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Lecture & Education
Hof zur bunten Kuh
Learning farm
Agricultural processes can be experienced on the educational farm - learning with all the senses, understanding natural cycles, promoting sustainable action and discovering forgotten crafts in order to make knowledge accessible to all age groups in a practical way.
Hof zur bunten Kuh09669 Frankenberg/Sa.
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Schloss Wolkenstein
Only with registration
Schaudestillation liqueur factory Ernst F. Ullmann
The production of a herbal schnapps is demonstrated in a convivial atmosphere, accompanied by anecdotes about the Ullmann distillery. Four spirits can be tasted and a shot glass is given as a souvenir.
Schloss Wolkenstein09429 Wolkenstein
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.03.25 10:00 - 18:00 clock 10:00 - 18:00 clock
Cafè & Rösterei Am Stern
Show roasts
The show roasting experience takes you into the world of coffee - the aroma of freshly roasted beans fills the room. With a maximum of 15 people, the fascinating process can be experienced up close, right in the heart of the café.
Cafè & Rösterei Am Stern09221 Neukirchen/Erzgeb.
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Historisches Dorf
Craft experience day
The Craft Experience Day in the historic village invites visitors to experience traditional trades such as blacksmithing, clay construction and stonemasonry up close. Hands-on stations offer practical insights, while experts share their knowledge.
Historisches Dorf08056 Zwickau
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.03.25 10:00 - 18:00 clock
Eintritt frei
Zeiss-Planetarium und Volkssternwarte Drebach
Zeiss Planetarium Drebach
Only with registration

Anmeldung über Ticket-Telefon

Captain Schnuppe's space journey
Captain Schnuppe and Sergeant Tuk travel the planets with the spaceship, getting into trouble again and again due to Tuk's clumsiness. The kids also get to know the space station and everyday life there and observe constellations.
Zeiss-Planetarium und Volkssternwarte Drebach09430 Drebach
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.03.2516:00 clock
Eintritt: Erw. 10 €; Kinder 6 €; Fam. 25 €
Zeiss-Planetarium und Volkssternwarte Drebach
Sternwarte Drebach
Sold out
Queen: Heaven - Music show
"The show must go on! A tribute to Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon & Roger Taylor in the planetarium: experience their greatest hits such as "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You" in impressive close-up thanks to Velvet's all-dome projection."
Zeiss-Planetarium und Volkssternwarte Drebach09430 Drebach
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.03.2518:00 clock20:00 clock
(P 16) Eintritt: 15 €
Zeiss-Planetarium und Volkssternwarte Drebach
Jens Kandler
Only with registration

Anmeldung über Ticket-Telefon

Planets, stars, galaxies - a journey into space
A space shuttle takes you into space. You can find out how astronauts live and work and lots of interesting facts about Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Milky Way. The current starry sky is also explained.
Zeiss-Planetarium und Volkssternwarte Drebach09430 Drebach
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.03.2514:00 clock
Eintritt: Erw. 10 €; Kinder 6 €; Fam. 25 €
Historisches Dorf
Copyright: Alter Gasometer e.V.
Craftsmen's week SCHAU REIN
During this week, pupils gain practical experience in companies. In the historic village, master craftsmen present traditional trades, share their knowledge and provide information about the history and training opportunities in the trades.
Historisches Dorf08056 Zwickau
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17.03.2510:00 clock
Eintritt frei
Zeiss-Planetarium und Sternwarte Schneeberg
Sternwarte & Planetarium Schneeberg
Only with registration

Um Voranmeldung unter Telefon 03772 22439 wird gebeten.

The long Messier night - observation evening
In the 18th century, Charles Messier discovered several nebulous objects, from which the Messier catalog of 110 objects developed. Saxony's largest freely accessible telescope is ideal for observing. Private telescopes can be brought along.
Zeiss-Planetarium und Sternwarte Schneeberg08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.03.2517:30 clock
Eintritt: Erwachsene 6 € / erm. 4 € / Familienkarte 18 €
Zeiss-Planetarium und Sternwarte Schneeberg
Sternwarte & Planetarium Schneeberg
Jupiter in the evening sky - observation evening
The bright stars of the winter hexagon on the western horizon make for an enjoyable sky walk, during which Jupiter can also be discovered and the attractive stars of spring can already be seen in the eastern sky.
Zeiss-Planetarium und Sternwarte Schneeberg08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
28.03.2519:00 clock
Eintritt: Erwachsene 6 € / erm. 4 € / Familienkarte 18 €
Further training
Lichtenauer Mineralquellen GmbH
Lichtenauer Mineralquellen GmbH
Open Company Week
Lichtenauer Mineralquellen is opening its doors as part of the "Saxony Open Company Week" and offering young people exciting insights into the working world of a leading mineral spring company.
Lichtenauer Mineralquellen GmbH09244 Lichtenau
17.03.2514:00 clock
Stadtbibliothek im Tietz
Only with registration

Anmeldung: hier

Technical paper consultation hour Technical paper
Library catalogs and online databases can be used to find suitable sources for any topic. A library membership is required to take part in the free research consultation.
Stadtbibliothek im Tietz09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
18.03.25 15:00 - 18:00 clock
Teilnahme kostenfrei.
Kulturzentrum DasTietz

Kurslink: www.vhs-chemnitz.de/p/557-C-S255B000

Career counseling in working life: Open consultation hours of career counseling for adults
Individual careers advice for employees and those returning to work: Every fourth Thursday of the month from 3 to 6 p.m., the adult education center offers open consultation hours on topics such as further education, careers and returning to work - no appointment necessary.
Kulturzentrum DasTietz09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
28.03.25 15:00 - 18:00 clock
Teilnahme kostenfrei.
TU Chemnitz
Jacob Müller
Girls & Boys Day 2025
For the nationwide Girls' and Boys' Day on April 3, 2025, Chemnitz University of Technology invites pupils to experience STEM subjects and social research up close. The events will take place at the university locations.
TU Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
03.04.25 09:00 - 15:00 clock
Stadtbibliothek im Tietz
Only with registration

Anmeldung unter: hier

Long night of learning
Before the final exams, the city library opens its doors exclusively for students for effective learning, with literature on exam preparation, learning strategies, stress management, etc. Snacks and drinks are available in the night café to recharge your batteries.
Stadtbibliothek im Tietz09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.04.25 18:00 - 22:00 clock
Eintritt frei (mit Schülerausweis)
Stadtbibliothek im Kornhaus
Controversy on the ground: Is that already extremism?
What does extremism mean? Can right-wing and left-wing extremism be compared? Is the AfD right-wing extremist? These questions shape our society. Political scientist Tom Thieme provides insights, analyzes ideologies and discusses extremism in Saxony.
Stadtbibliothek im Kornhaus09599 Freiberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
18.03.2518:00 clock
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne
privat / Paperento Verlag

Reservierung unter bibliothek@goldne-sonne.de oder 03772 370921
mit Stefan Tschök

Talk and reading about the Capital of Culture: "And what do we in Schneeberg get out of it?"
From Amtsberg to Zwickau: 38 locations, 38 events. Stefan Tschök is traveling through the Capital of Culture Region Chemnitz in 2025, collecting voices and discussing with local guests. Today he talks to Denny Helmer, Managing Director of the "Golden Sun".
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne08289 Schneeberg
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04.04.2519:30 clock
Kulturzentrum Erzhammer
11th Annaberg Colloquium on Mathematics in the Early Modern Period
Since 1992, the Adam Ries Association in Annaberg-Buchholz has been organizing scientific colloquia on early modern masters of arithmetic. Every three years, international experts come together to discuss Adam Ries, Cossists and mathematicians.
Kulturzentrum Erzhammer09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
11.04.2509:00 clock
DGB Regionsgeschäftsstelle Südwestsachsen
Benno Kraehahn
Good work, bad work
How do we want to work? Fair pay, security and co-determination, but the reality is often different. Journalist Julia Friedrichs ("Working Class") and DGB Chairwoman Yasmin Fahimi discuss how the world of work can be made fairer.
DGB Regionsgeschäftsstelle Südwestsachsen09111 Chemnitz
30.04.25 19:00 - 21:00 clock
Dieter Knoblauch
Talk round on the season's motto: Will we have been vigilant?
This season, the ability and willingness to be vigilant will be scrutinized. Interested parties can discuss socially relevant topics with selected speakers in the Theatercafé.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
13.05.2519:00 clock
Lern- und Gedenkort Kaßberg-Gefängnis
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Rainer Karlsch
The prison on Kaßberg was also a place of detention in connection with Wismut, which was the main supplier of uranium for the Soviet atomic bomb program. The secret services of the occupying power pursued alleged and actual espionage and sabotage.
Lern- und Gedenkort Kaßberg-Gefängnis09112 Chemnitz
12.06.2519:00 clock
Kirchgemeindehaus Burgstädt

Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt (Erlangen) spricht zum Thema: Menschenwürde. Wie weit trägt das Fundament der Menschenrechte?

The Burgstadt lecture series for the Capital of Culture Year 2025 follows the motto "C the unseen". With expert input, it sheds light on the hidden potential of the Christian faith and its contribution to future issues and relevant social topics.
Kirchgemeindehaus Burgstädt09217 Burgstädt
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today19:30 clock
Eintritt frei
Neues Kirchgemeindehaus Burgstädt
A Burgstadt lecture series
Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt sheds light on the importance of human dignity and asks how sustainable the foundation of human rights is in today's world.
Neues Kirchgemeindehaus Burgstädt09217 Burgstädt
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today19:30 clock
Schloss Wolkenstein
European run through the heat of the continent - 5,000 km on foot from Istanbul to the North Cape
Ronald Prokein reports on his mammoth 5,000 km journey on foot from Istanbul to the North Cape - one of the toughest physical challenges of his life.
Schloss Wolkenstein09429 Wolkenstein
today19:30 clock
Hof zur bunten Kuh
Learning farm
Agricultural processes can be experienced on the educational farm - learning with all the senses, understanding natural cycles, promoting sustainable action and discovering forgotten crafts in order to make knowledge accessible to all age groups in a practical way.
Hof zur bunten Kuh09669 Frankenberg/Sa.
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Teichmühle Bräunsdorf
Lecture by Hubertuns Thomasius
The Thomasius family has been associated with Bräunsdorf since the late 17th century. Scholars, clergymen and entrepreneurs had a lasting impact on the region. A lecture sheds light on their history and their influence on local life.
Teichmühle Bräunsdorf09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.03.2517:30 clock
Botanischer Garten Chemnitz
Ulrich Schuster: Rainforest
Ulrich Schuster's fascinating lecture takes us into the breathtaking world of the rainforest - with impressive pictures of unique animals and plants that show the beauty and diversity of this valuable habitat.
Botanischer Garten Chemnitz09114 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.03.2518:00 clock
Eintritt frei, es wird um Spenden gebeten.
Schloss Wolkenstein
Only with registration
The holy trinity pit
Lecture by Frank Ihle.
Schloss Wolkenstein09429 Wolkenstein
14.03.2518:30 clock
Baldauf Villa
Maike Simonis

Tickets unter 03735 22045 oder per Email info@baldauf-villa.de

Impuls-Lesung für mehr innere Ruhe und Leichtigkeit im Arbeitsleben als Frau mit Christine Sing

Raus aus dem Hamsterrad – und ab auf´s Surfbrett
Christine Sing tauschte 2018 ihre berufliche Karriere gegen ein Surfbrett und lebt zwischen Teneriffa und Esslingen. Heute inspiriert sie als Beraterin und Speakerin dazu, Arbeitswelten neu zu denken, Frauen in Führung zu stärken und Träume mutig zu verfolgen.
Baldauf Villa09496 Marienberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.03.2519:00 clock
Eintritt: 15 €
Konzert- und Ballhaus Tivoli

Mit Julian Nejkow & Clemens Kießling, Politologen aus Thüringen & Sachsen.

Live podcast: As far as I know, this is instant!
Germany has voted - and the differences remain. "As far as I know, this has been achieved immediately" discusses the East, democracy and the FRG system - now live and interactive! Ask questions, get answers - clever, critical, humorous.
Konzert- und Ballhaus Tivoli09599 Freiberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.03.2520:00 clock
Open Space Chemnitz
ChemNetz: Panel discussion The sense and nonsense of maps
Maps are not only orientation aids, but also tools of power and emancipation that can question existing hierarchies and open up new perspectives, as will be discussed in the panel discussion with experts from various fields.
Open Space Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
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15.03.25 14:00 - 15:30 clock
Hydrogen World Grand Prix 2025 - The Race into the Future!
No ordinary race - but the ultimate hydrogen competition! 500 talented drivers from 80 nations compete against each other in fuel cell racing cars they have developed themselves. Speed, strategy and green energy decide who wins.
Kraftverkehr09120 Chemnitz
20.08.25 09:00 - 18:00 clock
Lecture & Education