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Biendo Hotel ***
Tim Stüdemann
73 m
Spend the night in the heart of the city
Tastefully furnished rooms in the heart of Chemnitz are the perfect starting point for cultural experiences, culinary delights or a journey into the exciting history of the city. Great museums and the opera house are within walking distance.
Biendo Hotel ***09111 Chemnitz
todayall day
73 m
Masterly enjoyment
Delicious ice cream and hearty dishes await you here. Antipasti, pizza and pasta are freshly prepared. If you want to enjoy an Italian coffee specialty & a delicious piece of cake or a sundae, you'll always find something in the freshly decorated café.
Cortina09111 Chemnitz
todayopen until 21:30 o'clock
Open Space Chemnitz
119 m
Sketch the unseen: Behind Karl's back
The vernissage invites you to take a special look at Chemnitz. With their sketches, the Urban Sketchers Chemnitz present hidden perspectives of city life and create space for inspiring exchange.
Open Space Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
todayopen until 20:00 o'clock
smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
142 m
Archaeology in Saxony
The smac permanent exhibition shows Saxony's history from hunters and gatherers to industrialization on 3000 m². 6200 exhibits, the floating sculpture of Saxony and a section of the earth's strata bring the cultural and historical development to life.
smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
todayopen until 20:00 o'clock
smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
142 m
Silver luster & miner's death
The exhibition on mining brings to light what went on underground for thousands of years. It reveals the dark secrets of miners from the Bronze Age to the 21st century. A laboratory for technical, social and economic innovation.
smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
todayopen until 20:00 o'clock
smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
Dirk Hanus
142 m
The history of the Schocken department store
The smac dedicates separate exhibition areas to Erich Mendelsohn, Salman Schocken and the department store group. In curved bays along the window front, timelines provide a chronological orientation to the history of the building and its protagonists.
smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
todayopen until 20:00 o'clock
Ratsstube Chemnitz
Sylvia Baum
180 m
Historically impressive - a culinary delight
In a building full of history & an impressive ambience, guests can expect dishes from the kitchen prepared by an experienced team. Saxon sauerbraten, Saxon beef roulade or vegetarian delicacies - all a delight!
Ratsstube Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
todayopen until 22:00 o'clock
Stadthalle Chemnitz
187 m
Masters of Shaolin Kung Fu
Zu den Highlights der sensationellen Show zählen facettenreiches Shaolin Kung Fu, faszinierende Einblicke in das Leben, das Training & den Alltag der weltbekannten Shaolin - mit traditioneller chinesischer Musik und imposanten, authentischen Kulissen!
Stadthalle Chemnitz09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
today20:00 clock
Tickets: 47,90 € - 79,90 €
Jörg Riethausen
251 m
Saxon conviviality at the brewing kettle
In the heart of Chemnitz - opposite the town hall - guests can taste home-brewed beers on two floors and experience Saxon cuisine and hospitality. Highlights include brewery tours and the interesting, lovingly decorated two-storey building.
Turm-Brauhaus09111 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
todayopen until 23:00 o'clock
Turm-Brauhaus Chemnitz
251 m
Thursday is BÜrgerTAG! Pulled pork burger with red cabbage salad & steakhouse fries or best chicken burger with smoked mozzarella, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, BBQ onions, steakhouse fries incl. 0.5 l Turmbräu, Fassbrause or table water for €17.50!
Turm-Brauhaus09111 Chemnitz
todayopen until 23:00 o'clock
Fotocredit D.M. Photography; Diana Miller
251 m
Nikita Miller - Much that is new in the West
He mixed the best of German & Soviet together & learned to love and appreciate both cultures with all their beauty & diversity, with all their quirks & inconveniences. And also realized: Pelmeni are just small dumplings after all.
Brauclub09111 Chemnitz
today 19:30 - 23:00 clock
VVK: ab 31,70 € (zzgl. Geb.)
Eiscafé Dolce Vita
276 m
The sweet life - this is where it happens
Dolce Vita - the sweet life - beckons on the second floor of the Galerie Roter Turm with 20 different types of ice cream that change daily, sumptuous sundaes and crêpes, baguettes and pasta dishes for the hungry - whether after or before going to the movies or shopping.
Eiscafé Dolce Vita09111 Chemnitz
todayopen until 20:00 o'clock