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City tour
Marktplatz Schwarzenberg
4.3 km
Watchman's hour with doorman and night watchman
The evening ringing of the Ratskellerglocken bells is accompanied every Saturday by the traditional calls of the city's two watchmen. A tour with the night watchman rounds off the ceremony.
Marktplatz Schwarzenberg08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.03.2516:45 clock
Tourist-Information Schwarzenberg

Anmeldung unter +49377422540 erwünscht, aber nicht zwingend notwendig.

8.0 km
Guided tour: Historic old town of Schwarzenberg
Classic city tour in the listed old town center with interesting facts about the city's history and sights.
Tourist-Information Schwarzenberg08340 Schwarzenberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.03.2510:30 clock
Stadtverwaltung Lichtenstein
Only with registration

Personen ohne vorbestellte Karten können nur bei freien Restplätzen teilnehmen!

19.4 km
Guided tours through Lichtenstein's underworlds
On guided tours, participants can explore the system of passageways beneath the cellars of the old town of Lichtenstein/Sa. The tours start every half hour. It is advisable to wear sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing. A flashlight may be used.
Stadtverwaltung Lichtenstein09350 Lichtenstein/Sa.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.03.25 14:00 - 16:30 clock
Kosten: Erw. 3 €/erm. 1,50 €
Touristinformation Schneeberg
Only with registration

Teilnehmerzahl max. 20 Personen

Treffpunkt: Touristinformation

Tel. +49377220314

4.2 km
Schneeberg's old pubs
Visitors to the tour learn that the first tenant of the traditional Ratskeller, Biermann, and his son died of mushroom poisoning and other stories about Schneeberg's former pubs. Followed by a beer tasting in the Schneeberg brewery.
Touristinformation Schneeberg08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.03.25 16:30 - 18:00 clock
12 €
Marktplatz Schwarzenberg
Only with registration

Treffpunkt Marktplatz

4.3 km
Schwarzenberg Türmer Tour
The Schwarzenberg Türmer invites you to interesting insights and views, of course with a Türmer call and bell ringing.
Marktplatz Schwarzenberg08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
26.03.2516:00 clock
Treffpunkt: Richard-Friedrich-Str. 2

Voranmeldung in der Touristinformation Schneeberg

3.4 km
Flossgraben hike with the Schneeberger Flossgrabensteiger - from Schlema to the Rechenhaus
On this raft trench hike, you can discover the incomparable beauty of the Ore Mountains, immerse yourself in nature and leave everyday life behind.
Treffpunkt: Richard-Friedrich-Str. 208280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
04.04.25 09:00 - 15:00 clock
Teilnahmegebühr: 7,50 € p.P. (max 20 Personen, Länge 16 km)
Stadtmuseum Aue
Dirk Rückschloss Pixore Photography
421 m
From "A" like Argentan to "Z" like tin
A journey through time into the epochs of Aue-Bad Schlema's history - visitors discover the regional ore mining industry, the working and living environment of the miners and can immerse themselves in the world of mining in the show tunnel.
Stadtmuseum Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
Quelle: IPROconsult/KEM
Only with registration

Anmeldung unter hier

15.6 km
Tour with the Wendler coal knife
The coal cutter takes guests on a tour of discovery through the museum. He also explains what a coal cutter actually was & what he had to do. Because the profession of coal cutter actually existed. Why and for what: participants find out on this tour.
KohleWelt09376 Oelsnitz/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
29.03.25 17:00 - 18:30 clock
Eintritt: 15 €
KI generiert
Only with registration

Anmeldung hier

15.6 km
Family adventure tour: "Off to the first shift"
The tour shows the everyday life of miners, from the start of the shift to the end of the day. Working conditions then and now are highlighted. The tour leads through the exhibition and the demonstration mine and ends underground with a drink and a game of cards.
KohleWelt09376 Oelsnitz/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
30.03.2514:00 clock
Kosten: 7 € pro Person
Depot Bahnhof N°4
7.7 km
Opening day at Depot Bahnhof N°4
The otherwise hidden treasures of the PERLA CASTRUM museum collection - a castle full of history - can be discovered here. The exhibition section tells the story of Schwarzenberg's railroad station and presents numerous washing machines and ovens.
Depot Bahnhof N°408340 Schwarzenberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
01.04.25 11:00 - 18:00 clock
Erwachsene 4,00 € Erm. 2,50 €
Heimatmuseum Hormersdorf
Heimatmuseum Hormersdorf

jeden ersten Sonntag im Monat von 14 - 18 Uhr /  sowie nach Vereinbarung

16.3 km
Museum of local history Hormersdorf
Senior citizens are reminded of their childhood - young people can discover earlier times. The Hormersdorf local history museum awaits: Life in the old days, the old kitchen, De gute Stub, De Kammer, the Christmas mountain, toys and school supplies, musical instruments and much more.
Heimatmuseum Hormersdorf08297 Zwönitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
06.04.25 13:00 - 18:00 clock
Erw: 2 €, Kinder (6- 16 Jahre): 0,50 €
KI generiert

Geeignet für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
Anmeldung hier

15.6 km
Family adventure tour: "Stones tell stories"
A walk through the coal forest takes you back 300 million years. In the permanent exhibition, fossils tell of the history of the earth in Oelsnitz. At the end, you can make your own fossil impression.
KohleWelt09376 Oelsnitz/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
27.04.2515:00 clock
Kosten: 7 € pro Person
Stadtmuseum Aue
Dirk Rückschloss Pixore Photography
421 m
From "A" like Argentan to "Z" like tin
A journey through time into the epochs of Aue-Bad Schlema's history - visitors discover the regional ore mining industry, the working and living environment of the miners and can immerse themselves in the world of mining in the show tunnel.
Stadtmuseum Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
Heimatmuseum Hormersdorf
Heimatmuseum Hormersdorf

jeden ersten Sonntag im Monat von 14 - 18 Uhr /  sowie nach Vereinbarung

16.3 km
Museum of local history Hormersdorf
Senior citizens are reminded of their childhood - young people can discover earlier times. The Hormersdorf local history museum awaits: Life in the old days, the old kitchen, De gute Stub, De Kammer, the Christmas mountain, toys and school supplies, musical instruments and much more.
Heimatmuseum Hormersdorf08297 Zwönitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
06.04.25 13:00 - 18:00 clock
Erw: 2 €, Kinder (6- 16 Jahre): 0,50 €
Wismut GmbH - Schacht 371
5.2 km
No Secret: Exclusive Einblicke am Schacht 371
Erstmals bietet sich bei einem Blick hinter die Kulissen die Gelegenheit, Einblick in die Geschichte des Uranerzbergbaus & seine nachhaltigen Auswirkungen an einem authentischen Ort zu erleben. Ziel ist es, ein faszinierendes, nachhaltiges Erlebnis zu schaffen
Wismut GmbH - Schacht 37108118 Hartenstein
03.05.25 11:00 - 16:00 clock
Schloss Lichtenstein
Only with registration
19.6 km
Visit to the princely crypt at Lichtenstein Castle
Visitors can take a look inside the renovated tomb of the Princes of Schönburg-Waldenburg for the first time.
Schloss Lichtenstein09350 Lichtenstein/Sa.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
17.05.25 14:00 - 17:00 clock
Eintritt: 8 €; Kinder 3 €