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Body & Mind
Beauty & Wellness
Jugendstilbad Dr. Curt Geitner
4.4 km
Finnish sauna, steam bath & sanarium
The special Art Nouveau ambience of the Dr. Curt-Geithner spa in Schneeberg is a particularly good place to relax in a small setting: The Finnish sauna offers space for 15 people, the steam bath for 8 people and the sanarium for 10 people.
Jugendstilbad Dr. Curt Geitner08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
today 20:00 - 22:00 clock
Badegärten Eibenstock
Only with registration

Anmeldung: hier

11.5 km
Show infusion masterclass - Deutscher Saunabund
In addition to your own show infusion, you will learn about the selection of costumes and equipment, the use of light and music and the application of essential oils. The assessment criteria for the World and National Championships are presented and explained.
Badegärten Eibenstock 08309 Eibenstock
06.02.25 09:00 - 17:00 clock
Preis pro Person: 490 € für Mitglieder des Deutschen Sauna-Bundes 610 € für Nichtmitglieder
Kunsthof Eibenstock
Only with registration

Anmeldungen bitte über Tel. 037752 558240 oder hier

11.9 km
Relax and sweat in a tunnel in the Ore Mountains
Relax in the ambience of an Ore Mountain mine - here you can enjoy a special sauna experience and wellness underground, between board-covered walls and rustic rocks with shining salt crystals, watched over by the local mountain spirit.
Kunsthof Eibenstock08309 Eibenstock
06.02.25 13:00 - 17:00 clock
Badegärten Eibenstock
Only with registration

Anmeldung per E-Mail an: f.reschke@aromen.be

11.5 km
Total Experiences in the sauna - Loylymasters
Participants will learn from trainer Felix Reschke about 22 herbs and their ingredients, natural whole-body treatments and gain an insight into aromatherapy and its benefits for the human body and mind.
Badegärten Eibenstock 08309 Eibenstock
14.04.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
auf Anfrage - inkl. Kaffee, Wasser und Mittagessen
Badegärten Eibenstock
Only with registration

Anmeldung per E-Mail an: f.reschke@aromen.be

11.5 km
Smoke Rituals - Level 2 - Loylymasters
With trainer Felix Reschke, participants can deepen their knowledge of the use of incense in traditional/nature-based infusion rituals. They learn how to use incense correctly in the sauna & how it affects people.
Badegärten Eibenstock 08309 Eibenstock
16.04.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
auf Anfrage - inkl. Kaffee, Wasser und Mittagessen, zzgl. MwSt.
Badegärten Eibenstock
11.5 km
Long sauna night in May
The long sauna night in the Eibenstock bathing gardens offers extraordinary infusion ceremonies, an exciting supporting program and surprises.
Badegärten Eibenstock 08309 Eibenstock
03.05.25 14:00 - 23:59 clock
Yogastudio Ina Lang
Only with registration

Anmeldung über Telefon oder hier

19.4 km
Hypnosis / Yoga therapy
In this yoga studio, people are supported in letting go of old things and working through problems in order to gain more joie de vivre. This is also the right place to give up smoking or achieve your desired weight through hypnosis.
Yogastudio Ina Lang09235 Burkhardtsdorf
todayall day
Kunsthof Eibenstock
Kunsthof Eibenstock
Only with registration

Anmeldung erbeten unter Telefon 037752 558240 oder info@kunsthof-eibenstock.de
Flötenrohling je nach Modell und Holzart ab 90.00 € für Einzelflöte, ab 150.00 € für Doppelflöte, ab 300.00 € für Edelhölzer

11.9 km
Build your own "soul flute"
When there is chaos in the inner world or on the outside, reaching for the flute can change things, because sound moves. The workshop will show you how to make an Indian shepherd's or medicine flute; you can then build your own individual dream flute.
Kunsthof Eibenstock08309 Eibenstock
02.05.25 09:00 - 18:00 clock
Kosten: 140 € exkl. Flötenrohling
Badegärten Eibenstock

Anmeldung per E-Mail an: info@pirtsspirit.com

Bitte genaue Uhrzeit erfragen!

11.5 km
Son of the Birch - Banja rituals
In this two-day seminar, you will learn how to use birch branches in sauna rituals. Theory and practice with banya ceremonies teach techniques, effects and how to deal with guests - ideal for beginners and advanced users.
Badegärten Eibenstock 08309 Eibenstock
08.05.25 10:00 - 16:00 clock
Preis pro Person: 420 €- inkl. MwSt., Kaffee und Wasser
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne
4.4 km
Relaxation "in practice"
In the workshop, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation and mindfulness are tried out in practice. The aim is self-awareness and everyday application. Tips for integration and stress prevention are taught and discussed together.
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.11.2519:00 clock
Eintritt frei
St. Johanniskirche Lößnitz
4.6 km
Church year express
The "Church Year Express" by Gabi and Amadeus Eidner takes you through the church year with music and stories. Child-friendly content on holidays such as Christmas and Easter make it a special experience.
St. Johanniskirche Lößnitz08294 Lößnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
30.03.2510:00 clock
Trinitatiskirche Zwönitz
Unknown authorUnknown author uploaded by T. Rystau (Benutzer:Ollemarkeagle), Schlaegel und Eisen nach DIN 21800, als gemeinfrei gekennzeichnet, Details auf Wikimedia Commons
9.3 km
Mountain service
The Zwönitz Traditional Mining Association is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a festive mountain service. A special occasion that welcomes all interested parties.
Trinitatiskirche Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.06.2514:00 clock
Body & Mind