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City tour

Voranmeldung unter 0163-2107673 o. sachsenfuehrungen@t-online.de

7.8 km
On the volcanic traces of the Chemnitz stone - saxa kemniciana
In about 3 hours and on a 6 km route, there are many interesting and exciting things to learn. For example, about the most famous stonemason's stone of the Mark Meissen, the multi-colored ash sedimentary stone Chemnitzer Porphyrtuff, the former quarries and the Zeisigwald.
Zeisigwaldschänke09131 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.03.2513:00 clock
Teilnahme: 10 € pro Person, Kinder bis 14 Jahren frei
Only with registration

Voranmeldung unter 0163-2107673 o. sachsenfuehrungen@t-online.de

7.8 km
On the trail of the Chemnitz volcano
In the year of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025, we are going on a journey into the past. Chemnitz is located in a 291-million-year-old supervolcano crater. Until 90 years ago, the multi-colored Chemnitz porphyry tuff was mined here.
Zeisigwaldschänke09131 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
06.04.25 13:00 - 16:00 clock
CVAG-Bushaltestelle Eubaer Str./Eingang "Walden e.V."
Only with registration

Eintritt ins Bad zahlt jeder selber. Mit CVAG-Bus ist Rückfahrt nach Euba stündlich möglich.

Voranmeldung unter 0163 2107673 o. sachsenfuehrungen@t-online.de

4.8 km
Bathing tour through the south of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz
The route leads past the former Euba reservoir to the south of Chemnitz to the Bernsdorf outdoor pool. Please bring your swimsuit.
CVAG-Bushaltestelle Eubaer Str./Eingang "Walden e.V."09128 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.07.2510:00 clock
Preis: 10 € p. P. / Kinder bis 14 Jahren frei
Historische Schauweberei Braunsdorf
Simone Mende
3.7 km
Experience the magic of the ancient art of weaving...
Public guided tours and demonstrations of the historical weaving machines.
Historische Schauweberei Braunsdorf09577 Niederwiesa
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.03.2511:00 clock
Die Weberei Museum Oederan
Only with registration
6.7 km
The teddy bear and his mission
Michael Kreskowsky interprets the special exhibition TeddyLove with Dorothea Siegel. Visitors can look forward to an exciting lecture, a guided tour, interesting facts, fun facts and delicious snacks and drinks.
Die Weberei Museum Oederan09569 Oederan
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
26.03.25 17:00 - 19:30 clock
Eintritt: 14 €
Schloss Augustusburg
ASL Schlossbetriebe gGmbH
5.4 km
Special guided tour Celebrations - dances - mystical events
In the Renaissance, feasts and dances were an integral part of life. Chambermaid Klara and her ward Sophie open hidden doors and give an insight into the festive everyday life of the electoral court - music accompanies this tour!
Schloss Augustusburg09573 Augustusburg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
29.03.2517:00 clock
Eintritt: Erw: 15 € / erm. 12 €
Schloss Augustusburg
ASL Schlossbetriebe gGmbH
5.4 km
Time travel experience
Time travel is impossible? Not at Augustusburg Castle! A "time machine" catapults visitors back to the Renaissance. Dressed in period costumes, you can experience everyday life back then and learn interesting facts about courtly etiquette.
Schloss Augustusburg09573 Augustusburg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.04.2516:30 clock
Eintritt: Erw. 15 € / erm. 12 €
Schloss Augustusburg
ASL Schlossbetriebe gGmbH
5.4 km
Behind closed doors - special guided tour
On the discovery tour up and down the stairs, visitors can finally look behind all the many doors that are otherwise closed. The tour ranges from Augustus' imperial hall to the everyday work of the servants in the farmyard and fountain house.
Schloss Augustusburg09573 Augustusburg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
19.04.2516:30 clock
Preis: 15 € Erw. / 12 € erm.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
8.4 km
Hilbersdorf Feldbahn Days 2025
The Hilbersdorf Light Railway Days traditionally mark the end of the season at the railroad venue. Short guided tours of the museum, special tours of the signaling and safety technology and the VT18.16 as well as various demonstrations are offered.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
01.11.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
8.4 km
Hilbersdorf Feldbahn Days 2025
The Hilbersdorf Light Railway Days traditionally mark the end of the season at the railroad venue. Short guided tours of the museum, special tours of the signaling and safety technology and the VT18.16 as well as various demonstrations are offered.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
01.11.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schloss Augustusburg
Sylvio Dittrich
5.4 km
Castle tour: Through the ages
A Renaissance palace with electoral chambers that provide an insight into the everyday life of the electoral family. Among other things, the well house can be visited. Multimedia elements take visitors back to the 16th century.
Schloss Augustusburg09573 Augustusburg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
Stadion an der Gellertstraße
Peggy Schellenberger

Einlass: 09:45 Uhr

9.4 km
Entry permitted! Stadium tour
On a guided tour of the Chemnitzer FC stadium, you can take a look behind the scenes and get to know the team dressing rooms, substitutes' benches and coaching zone on the pitch, press and VIP areas.
Stadion an der Gellertstraße09130 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.03.2510:00 clock
Eintritt: 9 €
Stadion an der Gellertstraße
Peggy Schellenberger

Einlass: 16:45 Uhr

9.4 km
Historische Tour
Die historische Tour bietet spannende Einblicke in die Geschichte des Stadions an der Gellertstraße, das 1934 erstmals eröffnet wurde. Eine Zeitreise führt von den frühen Jahren bis zur Wiedereröffnung im Jahr 2016 nach einem Komplettumbau.
Stadion an der Gellertstraße09130 Chemnitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
13.05.2517:00 clock
Eintritt: 9 Euro