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Stadtbibliothek Lichtenstein
7.5 km
Gabi Thieme: How I got Thomas Gottschalk around
This time it's not a thriller that Gabi Thieme is presenting. It's 25 anecdotes from the life of an ambitious thoroughbred reporter - sometimes amusing, sometimes touching. Want to bet that even the country's most successful show host couldn't stop her?
Stadtbibliothek Lichtenstein09350 Lichtenstein/Sa.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.03.25 19:30 - 21:00 clock
Villa Facius Lugau
Vincent Stefan

Es lesen: Rouven Klischies, Leopold Peter und Marvin Thiede; am Klavier Peggy Einfeldt

7.0 km
Theater of poetry: Reflection on freedom
George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is a timeless illustration of how power destroys ideals. The animals revolt for freedom and equality, but the leaders soon abuse their power. A sharp-tongued satire about corruption and inequality, more topical than ever.
Villa Facius Lugau09385 Lugau/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
01.04.2519:00 clock
Villa Facius Lugau
Jan Lipowski

Reservierung erbeten unter 037295 900790
Lesung von Jan Lipowski - mit Cartoons von Uwe Krumbiegel

7.0 km
Relationship dialogs!
No boredom on the Long Night of Libraries! Jan Lipowski reads from "Auslese. - Laughter is the best medicine!" and presents trenchant relationship dialogues: before marriage, in marriage, despite marriage, at the supermarket checkout, on vacation or in the club cinema.
Villa Facius Lugau09385 Lugau/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
04.04.25 19:00 - 21:00 clock
Eintritt: 12 € inkl. Begrüßungsgetränk
Stadtbibliothek Limbach Gert Hofmann
7.3 km
Night of the libraries in the city library
The "Night of Libraries" transforms libraries into special places full of discoveries. Readings and creative activities invite you to experience the world of books and stories in a new way - a night full of inspiration.
Stadtbibliothek Limbach Gert Hofmann09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
04.04.25 17:00 - 21:00 clock
Stadtbibliothek Limbach Gert Hofmann
7.3 km
Reading aloud makes heroes!
Reading time for pre-school children.
Stadtbibliothek Limbach Gert Hofmann09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.04.25 10:00 - 10:30 clock
Eintritt frei
Stadthalle Limbach-Oberfrohna
MadeInSachsen Marketing
7.5 km
Kristina from the village
The "Sachsen Muddi" reads anecdotes from her book "Made in Sachsen": from life in the village to experiences abroad. Dialect tests, a book signing and a guest appearance by Sachsen Muddi promise a humorous evening with direct interaction.
Stadthalle Limbach-Oberfrohna09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.04.25 19:00 - 21:00 clock
Eintritt:17 €, mit Büchereiausweis ab 21 €
Rathaus Hohenstein-Ernstthal

Karten sind in der Bibliothek oder der Stadtinformation erhältlich.

449 m
Laugh until the doctor comes
A cabaret-style medical reading by and with U.S. Levin.
Rathaus Hohenstein-Ernstthal 09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.04.2519:00 clock
Ernesto Uhlmann
7.1 km
What, Chemnitz? Capital of Culture 2025! ...and what do we in Lichtensteien/Sa. get out of it?
An inspiring reading: "The risks and side effects of a Capital of Culture - and why everything (usually) turns out well in the end." An evening full of emotions, exciting insights and hopeful prospects.
Kultur.Palais.Lichtenstein09350 Lichtenstein/Sa.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
27.04.25 15:00 - 17:00 clock
Stadthalle Limbach-Oberfrohna
7.5 km
Reading Claire Winter: The Heiress
Author Claire Winter reads from her novel "The Heiress" and takes us on a captivating story full of secrets, intrigues and destinies. An exciting journey into the past, characterized by strong women and historical turning points.
Stadthalle Limbach-Oberfrohna09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
12.05.2519:00 clock
8,00 € mit Büchereiausweis ab 11,00 €
Stadthalle Limbach-Oberfrohna
7.5 km
Reading: Disappeared on the way to school: Children's fates.
The author Gabi Thieme reads from her book "Auf dem Schulweg verschwunden: Kinderschicksale". A moving examination of real cases of missing children that is touching, thought-provoking and gets deep under the skin.
Stadthalle Limbach-Oberfrohna09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
11.06.2519:00 clock
8,00 € mit Büchereiausweis ab 11,00 €