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Body & Mind
Beauty & Wellness
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Salzgrotte Salaero

Freitags nach Vereinbarung geöffnet (für Gruppen ab 8 Personen)
Anmeldung hier

7.1 km
Recreation, relaxation and singing bowl journeys
The salt cave offers a space to find rest and relaxation. There are special times for children and families. Singing bowl journeys, various massages, osteopathy, foot reflexology treatments, yoga & various workshops can also take place here.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
todaycloses 12:00 clock 14:00 - 18:00 clock
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Salzgrotte Salaero Hohenstein-Ernstthal
Only with registration

Anmeldung unter +49 3723 6793322 oder kontakt@salaero.de
Barzahlung direkt beim Behandler

7.1 km
Vital Scan measurement
Christine Lindner from Leipzig offers a Vital Scan in the relaxation room of the salt cave. The values in the body are checked using bioresonance. You will be shown and explained all the information about vitamin and mineral deficiencies, pollution and much more.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
13.03.25 14:00 - 18:00 clock
Kosten: 45 € pro Person für 60 Minuten inkl. Getränk
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Only with registration

Anmeldung hier

Um Barzahlung wird gebeten.

7.1 km
Shiatsu massage in the sea climate
Shiatsu-Tao - a holistic therapy to revitalize mind and body. You experience relaxation through precise, attentive and gentle touch and massage.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
14.03.25 09:00 - 18:00 clock
Kosten: 80 € p. P. inkl. Meeresklima und Getränke
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Salzgrotte Salaero Hohenstein-Ernstthal
Only with registration

Anmeldung unter Telefon +49 3723 6793322 oder kontakt@salaero.de
mit Manuela Zoppa / Barzahlung direkt beim Behandler

7.1 km
It gets the blocked energy flowing again along the subtle pathways, the meridians. This reduces stress and strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Valuable oils with a wonderful fragrance unfold their beneficial effect on body and mind.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.03.25 09:30 - 14:00 clock
Kosten: 65 € für ca. 60 Minuten pro Person
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Kristin Schnupp
Only with registration

Anmeldung unter Telefon +49 3723 6793322 oder kontakt@salaero.de
mit Manuela Zoppa / Barzahlung direkt beim Behandler

7.1 km
Face-Vital facial muscle treatment
A relaxed, radiant face? FaceVital is a gentle point massage on the face, head, neck, throat and décolleté & promotes blood circulation, decongests the lymph. This makes the face rosy and plumps it up from the inside.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.03.25 09:30 - 14:00 clock
Kosten: 65 € für ca. 60 Minuten pro Person inkl. Getränk
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Salzgrotte Salaero Hohenstein-Ernstthal
Only with registration

Anmeldung unter Telefon +49 3723 6793322 oder kontakt@salaero.de
mit Manuela Zoppa / Barzahlung direkt beim Behandler

7.1 km
Metamorphic foot treatment
The metamorphic foot treatment is a gentle point massage from the big toe along the inside of the foot to the Achilles tendon insertion. This line is closely connected to the spine. This harmonizes blockages and stimulates the flow of energy.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.03.25 09:30 - 14:00 clock
Kosten: 65 € für ca. 60 Minuten pro Person inkl. Getränk
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Salzgrotte Salaero
Only with registration

mit Lydia Solbrig
Terminvereinbarung unter +49 3723 6793322 oder kontakt@salaero.de
Andere Uhrzeiten nach Absprache möglich / bitte Barzahlung

7.1 km
Sound massage in the sea climate
Singing bowls use sound waves to relax the body by affecting its energy field. The sound vibrates at a frequency that activates brain waves and relaxes you deeply. This also mobilizes self-healing powers.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
28.03.2513:30 clock15:00 clock
Preis: 80 € / Person
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Only with registration

Anmeldung über Ticket-Telefon, um Barzahlung wird gebeten.

7.1 km
Singing bowl experience
Deep relaxation with gentle sounds and vibrations. The sound of various singing bowls is a wonderful way to relax and recharge your batteries in the sea climate.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
28.03.25 17:00 - 18:00 clock
Preis: 25 € p. Person inkl. Getränk
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Salzgrotte Salaero Hohenstein-Ernstthal

Anmeldung unter Telefon +49 3723 6793322 oder kontakt@salaero.de
mit Psychologin M. Sc. und  Heilpraktikerin Ivette Gräbner

7.1 km
Exclusive psychology in a marine climate
Those who are overwhelmed by stress, problems and anxiety, who feel powerless and overwhelmed, can find inner peace and clarity here. Psychologist Ivette Gräbner, an expert in depth psychology, accompanies participants in the soothing atmosphere of the salt cave.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
31.03.25 19:00 - 20:00 clock
Preis: 30 € pro Person inkl. Salzgrotte
Salzgrotte SALAERO
Only with registration

Anmeldung über Ticket-Telefon oder kontakt@salaero.de

Bitte ein normales Handtuch und ein großes Badetuch mitbringen.
Barzahlung direkt bei Heike vor Ort.

7.1 km
Energetic massages & energy work
During these massages, the body's energy channels are brought back to life and begin to flow again, precisely at the points where physical and emotional blockages are stuck. This brings well-being and balance. A very special time out.
Salzgrotte SALAERO09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
04.04.25 10:00 - 16:30 clock
Kosten 158 € für 90 Minuten inkl. Meeresklima, Getränk und Nachruhezeit
Yogastudio Ina Lang
Only with registration

Anmeldung über Telefon oder hier

9.9 km
Hypnosis / Yoga therapy
In this yoga studio, people are supported in letting go of old things and working through problems in order to gain more joie de vivre. This is also the right place to give up smoking or achieve your desired weight through hypnosis.
Yogastudio Ina Lang09235 Burkhardtsdorf
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Body & Mind