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Experience cities and regions
Freizeitgelände Alte Ziegelei

Die Bahn fährt nicht bei Nässe.

1.7 km
Feldbahn Niederwürschnitz
Ein Erlebnis für Groß und Klein. Die Feldbahn & die Originalloks aus den 1950er Jahren sind Hingucker! Bei einer 20-minütigen Fahrt über das gesamte Gelände können sowohl die Anlagen der ehemaligen Ziegelei als auch die einmalige Landschaft bewundert werden.
Freizeitgelände Alte Ziegelei09399 Niederwürschnitz
05.04.25 12:00 - 17:00 clock
Der Flugplatz Jahnsdorf
Frau Z Macht das
Only with registration
6.0 km
Antonov AN2 sightseeing flight day
Aviation highlight in Jahnsdorf with the opportunity to experience a special sightseeing flight with the vintage Antonov AN2.
Der Flugplatz Jahnsdorf09387 Jahnsdorf/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
04.05.2510:00 clock
Places of interest
3.2 km
Shaft goat
The sculpture in Oelsnitz in the Ore Mountains picks up on the humor of the miners. Newcomers to the mines are said to have been told about the mountain goat, for which they had to bring food. And some of them are said to have actually believed it.
Schachtziege09376 Oelsnitz/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.03.25 08:00 - 20:00 clock
Die Reiner-Kunze-Stele
5.6 km
The Reiner Kunze stele
The sculpture commemorates the writer Reiner Kunze, who was born in Oelsnitz in 1933. In addition to being named an honorary citizen of the town and the Oelsnitz Literature Prize being named after him, the sculpture is further recognition of the town's son.
Die Reiner-Kunze-Stele09376 Oelsnitz/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.03.25 08:00 - 20:00 clock
3.2 km
The miner's cow
Erik Neukirchner's artwork refers to a humorous mining tradition that is still the subject of many legends today. In the Ore Mountains, the now almost extinct "Ore Mountain goat" was widespread and was often called the "miner's cow".
Bergmannskuh09376 Oelsnitz/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.03.25 08:00 - 20:00 clock
3.2 km
The space-time diagram
The sculpture addresses the subsidence caused by coal mining in the region. Erected at the site of the most extreme subsidence, the 17.40 m high, spiral-shaped subsidence curve in Waldesruh shows the period in which the ground changed rapidly.
Großskulptur09376 Oelsnitz/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.03.25 08:00 - 20:00 clock
Experience cities and regions