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Food & drink
Silber-Therme Warmbad Wolkenstein
Kur- und Gesundheitszentrum Warmbad Wolkenstein GmbH

Tischreservierungen unter: 037369/15160

12.0 km
Kulinarische Vielfalt genießen
Das Restaurant der Silber-Therme Warmbad bietet kulinarische Köstlichkeiten, Kaffee, Kuchen und Eisbecher mit Blick über den Kurort Warmbad – ob auf der Sonnenterrasse, im Barfuß-Bistro oder der Saunabar, auch ohne Thermeneintritt ein Genuss.
Silber-Therme Warmbad Wolkenstein09429 Wolkenstein
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
today 11:00 - 22:00 clock
Ratskeller "Zum Neinerlaa" Annaberg-Buchholz
15.6 km
The Neinerlaa interpreted in a modern and imaginative way
The typical Neinerlaa (nine dishes) consists of 9 dishes, all of which have a symbolic meaning. The Neinerlaa is served in a cozy, traditionally furnished Erzgebirge restaurant - interpreted in a modern and imaginative way.
Ratskeller "Zum Neinerlaa" Annaberg-Buchholz09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
today 11:30 - 22:00 clock
Huss Schauwerkstatt GmbH
Huss Leffelstub
17.8 km
Anyone who gets hungry during a visit to the show workshop is in good hands in the "Leffelstub". In this rustic and stylish ambience, the menu offers fresh, seasonal dishes made predominantly from products from the Ore Mountains and Saxony.
Huss Schauwerkstatt GmbH09465 Sehmatal
today 11:00 - 17:00 clock
Schlosshotel Purschenstein
Restaurant Remise Schloss Purschenstein
19.0 km
Dine like a king
You can dine like royalty at REMISE. The upscale restaurant focuses on regional specialties & has a traditional wine cellar. According to the Gerolsteiner Restaurant Best List, it is one of the most popular gourmet addresses in Saxony.
Schlosshotel Purschenstein09544 Neuhausen/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
today 14:30 - 22:00 clock
Huss Schauwerkstatt GmbH
Huss Frühstück Neudorf
17.8 km
Karzl breakfast
The Karzl breakfast offers time to chat and enjoy in a cozy atmosphere in the "Leffelstub". Regional products from local suppliers are served. There is a choice of savory, sweet or mixed dishes, accompanied by a variety of drinks.
Huss Schauwerkstatt GmbH09465 Sehmatal
Hotel am Markt
18.4 km
Breakfast and more...
An enjoyable breakfast at the Hotel am Markt starts with freshly prepared coffee and tea specialties, fragrant bread rolls from the bakery next door, home-baked cakes, egg dishes, a selection of cheeses and cold meats, fresh fruit and juices, yoghurt, muesli and more.
Hotel am Markt09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
lumipöllö lounge
Dominic Heisse
16.2 km
Tasty burgers from the region
The former railroad station building invites you to enjoy hearty dishes made primarily from fresh, regional produce in a modern and stylish ambience. Tasty burgers are a specialty here. The meat for the paddies comes from cattle from Drebach.
lumipöllö lounge 09430 Drebach
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
07.02.25 12:00 - 23:00 clock
Sauberg Klause
Sold out

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

18.1 km
Italian brunch
Is your vacation in Italy over? That's sad? Everyone misses the beach, sun, sea & food? Then off to an Italian brunch! It's also for everyone who just likes to brunch, enjoy the delicacies from the buffet & coffee, tea & water. Buon appetito!
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
09.02.25 11:00 - 14:30 clock
34,95 € p.P., nkl. allen Leckereien vom Buffet, Kaffee, Tee und Wasser
Sauberg Klause
Only with registration

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

18.1 km
Turtle dove brunch
Two lovebirds on a bench were almost sick with love. But at the Sauberg-Klause brunch & pure romance, their hearts healed & they just loved each other. This also applies to all other lovers and couples. Because you can say: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.02.25 11:00 - 14:30 clock
34,95 € p.P., inkl. allen Leckereien vom Buffet, Kaffee, Tee und Wasser
Sauberg Klause
Constance Brosell
Only with registration

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

18.1 km
Women's Day Brunch
Women away from the stove! Gather for a brunch together. The most delicious food from the buffet, wonderfully fragrant coffee and, of course, "Stößchen" with a glass of sparkling wine. That's how women's day works.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
09.03.25 11:00 - 14:30 clock
34,95 € p.P., inkl. allen Leckereien vom Buffet, Kaffee, Tee und Wasser
lumipöllö lounge
Dominic Heisse
16.2 km
Fresh waffles for coffee at Lumipöllö
After a short hike or a walk through the beautiful village of Drebach, you can enjoy aromatic coffee specialties or shakes here. Delicious fresh waffles or tasty ice cream are also available.
lumipöllö lounge 09430 Drebach
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
07.02.25 12:00 - 23:00 clock
Bar & Kneipe
lumipöllö lounge
Dominic Heisse
16.2 km
And in the evening to the bar
Guests will find a colorful selection of delicious drinks, golden shimmering whiskeys, freshly prepared lemonades and appetizing non-alcoholic drinks to round off the day. You can enjoy the evening in a relaxed atmosphere in the stylish ambience.
lumipöllö lounge 09430 Drebach
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
07.02.25 12:00 - 23:00 clock
Schlosshotel Purschenstein
Only with registration
19.0 km
Rum Tasting
Rum Tasting in der Ahnenbar von Schloss Purschenstein: Die faszinierende Welt des Rums, von Piraten bis zu Weltklasse-Sorten, begleitet von spannenden Geschichten, erlesenen Käse- und Wurstspezialitäten – ein genussvoller Abend voller Entdeckungen.
Schlosshotel Purschenstein09544 Neuhausen/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.02.2519:00 clock
Eintritt: 79 € p.P.
Sauberg Klause
Only with registration

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

18.1 km
Black Valentine
Black Valentine - black is a way of life! Everyone can wear this color for this black romantic evening. Enjoy a 3-course candlelight dinner and music from the scene with Dirk Steyer from the band "Accessory".
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.02.25 18:30 - 21:00 clock
69,95 € p.P. nkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Musik
Sauberg Klause
Only with registration

Reservierung per Mail unter: post@sau-berg.de

18.1 km
exclusive whisky dinner
An evening full of indulgence and fine aromas: at least six different types of whisky are available for tasting at the exclusive whisky dinner with a corresponding 4-course menu. Cheers!
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
29.10.25 18:30 - 21:00 clock
85,00 € p.P. inkl. korrespondierendem 4-Gänge-Menü und mind. 6 Whisky zur Verkostung
Sauberg Klause

bei entsprechendem Wetter

18.1 km
Stall magic at the Sauberg Büdchen
Delicious with winter soup pot, miners' sausage, angel hair (deep-fried potato curls with dip), miners' bread (hand bread filled with Kassler & sauerkraut from Schulze Bäcker), Stollen, Vugelbeer & Berggeisterpunsch, coffee ... Warmth also comes from warming mushrooms.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.11.25 13:00 - 17:00 clock
Sauberg Klause
Constance Brosell

Reservierung per Mail unter: post@sau-berg.de

18.1 km
Sauberg Klause Mettenschicht
True to the motto "Wos dr Grußvotr schie hier gegassen hot!", the three-course menu is accompanied exclusively by a Mettenschicht in the Sauberg Klause, with traditional mountain songs and a fun and contemplative program.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.12.25 18:00 - 21:30 clock
Eintritt: 69,95 €, mit bergmännischen Weisen und lustig-besinnlichem Programm inkl. 3-Gänge-Menü („wos dr Grußvotr schie hier gegassen hot“)
Sauberg Klause
Only with registration

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

18.1 km
Black Valentine
Black Valentine - black is a way of life! Everyone can wear this color for this black romantic evening. Enjoy a 3-course candlelight dinner and music from the scene with Dirk Steyer from the band "Accessory".
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.02.25 18:30 - 21:00 clock
69,95 € p.P. nkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Musik
Sauberg Klause
Steve Wolff
Sold out

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

Donner und Doria

18.1 km
Medieval brunch with "Donner & Doria"
If you like it, you shouldn't miss this evening. A welcome sip from the cow horn is served with the hearty table feast and a sip from the distillery to say goodbye on a full stomach. "Donner & Doria!"
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
06.04.25 11:00 - 15:00 clock
39,95 € p.P., inkl. mittelalterlichem Buffet, Kaffee, Tee und Wasser, Livemusik von Donner & Doria
Sauberg Klause
Only with registration

Reservierung per Mail unter: post@sau-berg.de

Live: Jörg Heinicke Dr Ranzen Max

18.1 km
Christmas half-time evening
Christmas is just six months away. Time enough to prepare for it with delicious Christmas delicacies from the buffet. Jörg Heinicke and "dr Ranzen Max" provide the fun and atmosphere.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
24.06.25 18:00 - 22:00 clock
39,95 € p.P. inkl. weihnachtliche Schlemmereien vom Buffet
Food & drink
Sauberg Klause
Constance Brosell

18.1 km
Pride in local miners and regional specialties
The bright, friendly ambience with its discreet mining design shows a connection to and pride in the local miners. Hearty Erzgebirge dishes, regional specialties and snacks leave nothing to be desired, not even the youngest ones.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
07.02.25 17:00 - 21:00 clock
Sauberg Klause
Steve Wolff
Only with registration

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

Donner und Doria

18.1 km
Medieval spectacle with "Donner & Doria"
If you like it, you shouldn't miss this evening. A welcome sip from the cow horn is served with the hearty table feast and a sip from the distillery to say goodbye on a full stomach. "Donner & Doria!"
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.04.25 17:30 - 23:00 clock
69,95 € p.P. inkl. zünftigem Tischgelage, Begrüßungsschluck aus dem Kuhhorne und Abschiedsschluck aus der Brennerei