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Historische Schauweberei Braunsdorf
Bernd Köhler
1.4 km
Women's hard work and women's happiness
The exhibition presents parts of the Bernd Köhler collection from Chemnitz. It shows the variety of buttons, ribbons and advertising materials from the past. There are also children's sewing machines, a variety of different ells and many other fascinating objects to discover.
Historische Schauweberei Braunsdorf09577 Niederwiesa
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today 16:00 - 20:00 clock
Historische Schauweberei Braunsdorf
Bernd Köhler
1.4 km
Vernissage: Women's diligence and women's happiness
The exhibition presents parts of the Bernd Köhler collection from Chemnitz. It shows the variety of buttons, ribbons and advertising materials from the past. There are also children's sewing machines, a variety of different ells and many other fascinating objects to discover.
Historische Schauweberei Braunsdorf09577 Niederwiesa
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today19:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
4.9 km
Season opening at the railroad venue
Winter is finally coming to an end and the new 2025 railroad season is starting. Visitors can once again experience railroads in many facets, from large to small, in the original or as a model.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
29.03.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Bahnhof Flöha
3.8 km
In the renovated Flöha railroad station, once an important textile location, the exhibition "Entanglements" shows modern and contemporary art in the context of textiles. The textile tradition is honored with works by Käthe Kollwitz and Rosemarie Trockel, among others.
Bahnhof Flöha09557 Flöha
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11.04.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
4.9 km
The railroad scene has now been freed from the ice. Reason enough for a visit to Germany's largest railroad museum. At Easter, young guests in particular are invited to search for the Easter bunny on the light railroad.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
18.04.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
4.9 km
Tag der Arbeit
Mit bis zu 10.000 Beschäftigten war die Eisenbahn einmal der größte Arbeitgeber der Stadt Chemnitz. Grund genug, den Tag der Arbeit am Schauplatz Eisenbahn zu feiern.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
01.05.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
4.9 km
Schauplatz-Pfingsten / Tag des Eisenbahners
Am Pfingstsamstag steht der Rangierbahnhof mit seiner weltweit einmaligen Seilablaufanlage im Fokus der Angebote. Bahnbetriebswerk und die Lokomotiven zeigen sich von ihrer besten, fotogenen Seite. Vor allem für kleine Besucher gibt es besondere Angebote.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
07.06.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
4.9 km
Day of the marshalling yard
No railroad without a shunting yard! That's why our activities on this day will focus on the former marshalling yard and its technical facilities.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
22.06.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Johnny Ullmann
4.9 km
Rail Day
Rail Day takes place every year as part of European Mobility Week. The Schauplatz Eisenbahn is taking part in this weekend of action with a wide range of activities for railroad fans of all ages.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
20.09.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
4.9 km
Hilbersdorf Feldbahn Days 2025
The Hilbersdorf Light Railway Days traditionally mark the end of the season at the railroad venue. Short guided tours of the museum, special tours of the signaling and safety technology and the VT18.16 as well as various demonstrations are offered.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
01.11.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Johnny Ullmann - unter-dampf Pictures
4.9 km
Fire, steam & twinkling lights
The roundhouse is opened, the model railroad layout is presented and a winter ride on the light railroad is offered. Guests can experience the Rauhnacht railroad as a very special place with fire, steam and light.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
29.12.25 14:30 - 18:00 clock
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Ralph Kunz
4.9 km
Hilbersdorf Feldbahn Days 2025
The Hilbersdorf Light Railway Days traditionally mark the end of the season at the railroad venue. Short guided tours of the museum, special tours of the signaling and safety technology and the VT18.16 as well as various demonstrations are offered.
Schauplatz Eisenbahn Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf09131 Chemnitz
01.11.25 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Purple Path
Mühlgraben Niederwiesa
Cornelia Hilsberg
1.4 km
Karolin Schwab: My Floating Home
The sculpture stands between the banks of the Mühlgraben like a fleeting three-dimensional sketch of a house. There, as the seasons change, constantly changing images are created in the water, posing the question of what it means to be at home, to be anchored.
Mühlgraben Niederwiesa09577 Niederwiesa
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todayall day
Bahnhof Flöha
Tanja Rochelmeyer
3.8 km
Tanja Rochelmeyer: Glance
The installation, made up of 171 rectangular panels along the 100-metre-long tunnel, shows frames, stylized brickwork, rectangles and letters that make up the city name. Depending on the perspective, they create mental afterimages for the day.
Bahnhof Flöha09557 Flöha
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todayall day
Schloss und Park Lichtenwalde
Ernesto Uhlmann
2.5 km
Leiko Ikemura: Usagi Greeting (180)
The pictorial-poetic encounter of the figure of the hare with representations of Buddhist bodhisattva beings and Christian iconography of mercy refers to the collection in the adjacent Schatzkammer Museum and opens the view to East Asia.
Schloss und Park Lichtenwalde09577 Niederwiesa
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08.02.25 10:00 - 16:00 clock