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Kinder & Familie
Vincent Stefan

Musical in zwei Akten, Musik und Songtexte von Richard M. Sherman und Robert B. Sherman

16.0 km
Ian Fleming verfasste die inspirierte Geschichte für seinen Sohn. Der hierauf basierende legendäre Film von 1968 wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet, so u. a. für Beste Musik. Das auf dem Film beruhende Musical von 2002 eroberte sehr schnell die Bühnen der Welt.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
08.02.2519:30 clock
Tickets ab 17,50 €
Winterstein Theater

Es spielt das Dresdner Figurentheater Jörg Bretschneider für Kinder ab 4 Jahren

16.0 km
spielraum: Der gestiefelte Kater
Ein Kater, der einen Plan hat, um sein Herrchen, das nichts auf die Reihe bekam, auf Trapp zu bringen. Mit roten Stiefeln, Jagdtasche, farblich passend zu den Stiefeln und einem Dutzend Rebhühner wird er zum gestiefelten Kater & sein Herrchen ein Graf.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.02.2510:30 clock
Tickets ab 9 €
GSM Gastro-Service-Mittelsachsen GmbH
18.5 km
Mrs. Doll Doctor Pill: Next please
Fun with puppet shows, funny songs, quizzes and surprises - to join in, laugh and learn through play with Mrs. Puppet Doctor Pill. The consultation is attended by the high-spirited frog Quacki, who likes handkerchiefs better than grilled fly legs.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.02.25 10:00 - 11:00 clock
Eintritt: 15 €
Spielart Zwote

Märchentheater von SpielArt aus Zwota

18.5 km
Hans in Luck
A theater and puppet play with live music by SpielArt Zwota. The fairytale adaptation shows Hans' bartering: from gold to horse, cow, pig, goose and grindstone. In the end, everything is gone, but without a burden, freedom remains. A play about the search for happiness.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
17.02.25 10:00 - 11:00 clock
Eintritt: 8 €
Maren Jäckel and Friends

Uraufführung in Kooperation mit Maren Jäckel and Friends

18.5 km
Puff, the little cloud
The little cloud boy Paff desperately wants a friend. But at cloud school he is always laughed at because he is not so nice and shiny white. Papa Cloud comforts Paff and encourages him. And indeed, his wait is rewarded!
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
18.02.25 10:00 - 10:30 clock
Eintritt: ab 5 €
Justin Hösel

Theaterstück von Annekathrin Rottstädt-Hänel frei nach den Gebrüdern Grimm

18.5 km
The master thief
The son of poor farmers returns after many years of absence. But this reunion is overshadowed. An evil baron, a castle gardener, a servant, a maid & the castle captain play a role and Burrattino tells the end!
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
20.02.25 10:00 - 11:00 clock
Eintritt: ab 5 €
Jörn Rockstroh

Der berühmte Klassiker von Shakespeare neu gedacht

18.5 km
Romeo and Juliet
In this new interpretation of Shakespeare's timeless classic, gender roles are rethought. With a feminist perspective, the production will break down old role models and provide a modern and fresh approach to the story.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.02.25 16:00 - 17:30 clock
Eintritt: 12 €
Bürgergarten Stollberg
Sandy Schmidt

Die Tickets sind vor Ort und 30 Minuten vor Beginn der Vorstellung an der Tageskasse erhältlich

19.1 km
Pangea Dino-Live-Show
Supported by captivating lighting effects & an atmospheric soundscape, Pangea offers an immersive show that draws the audience into the action. These 80 minutes guarantee that young & old will be amazed & feel transported to another world.
Bürgergarten Stollberg09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.02.25 15:00 - 16:30 clock
Eintritt: Erwachsener 15 € / Kind 12 €
Dirk Rückschloß / Pixore Photography

Musiktheaterprojekt Rabenschnabl

16.0 km
Hope for the children
In the evening, the moon scatters its dream trickle wishes over the earth and turns the children into dream fliers - but now the children's dreams have disappeared. Now it's time to find and free them with the help of the children in the audience.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.03.2515:00 clock
Kulturhaus Aue
Kindertheater Doncalli; Hänsel und Gretel

Kindertheater Doncalli

Karten ab sofort im VVK im Kulturhaus sowie am Gastspieltag ab 30 Minuten vor Beginn im Veranstaltungssaal erhältlich.

8.2 km
Children's theater "Doncalli" performs Hansel and Gretel
The actors of the Thuringian children's theater "Doncalli" play the fairy tale in front of a fairy-tale backdrop in authentic costumes. The fairytale play about the brother and sister is suitable for children aged 2 and over and lasts approx. 75 minutes.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
19.03.2516:00 clock
Eintrittspreise: Vorverkauf: Kinder 13,- €; Erwachsene 15,- € Tageskasse: Kinder 14,- €; Erwachsene 16,- €
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne
Sold out
12.1 km
Crime thriller dinner: Hiking is the killer's delight
Enjoy & solve a murder along the way: The owner of the "Zum Muskelkater" restaurant, Freddy Hüftgold, has been the victim of a crime. But the local policeman Windisch is incompetent, even more incompetent than Inspector Schimpanski. The chaos takes its course
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.02.2519:00 clock
Eintritt: 57 € inkl. Menü
Sauberg Klause
Constance Brosell
Only with registration

Kabarett mit Roy Reinker

Reservierung per Mail unter: post@sau-berg.de


17.7 km
Stay crazy - When dolls embark - Roy Reinker
Grandpa Siggi has his captain's license from the VHS. Melvin the dragon is burning everything in the galley, the new opera diva is causing tinnitus. The baby is now an influencer and some passengers cling to the anchor in protest: Roy Reinker at his best!
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
30.03.25 12:00 - 15:00 clock
69,95 € p.P. inkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Show von Roy Reinker
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne
Roy Reinkers, Goldne Sonne

Kabarett mit Roy Reinker

12.1 km
Verrückt bleiben - Wenn Puppen einschiffen - Roy Reinker
Opa Siggi hat sein Kapitänspatent von der VHS. Der Drache Melvin lässt in der Kombüse alles anbrennen, die neue Opern-Diva sorgt für Tinnitus. Das Baby ist jetzt Influencer und einige Passagiere kleben sich aus Protest am Anker fest: Roy Reinker in Bestform!
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
24.05.2518:00 clock
Tickets: 56 €
Sauberg Klause
Moccabar GmbH
Sold out

Reservierung per Mail unter: post@sau-berg.de

17.7 km
Man cold 3
Peter is plagued by a man cold. No wonder he doesn't really get much sympathy from his stage partner Gloria either. When she manages with difficulty to persuade him to see a doctor, he ends up with a militarily undercooled female doctor.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.12.25 18:30 - 22:00 clock
69,95 € p.P. inkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Kultur
Ballett & Tanztheater
Festhalle Annaberg-Buchholz
ah kommunikation/International Classic Ballett
16.7 km
Sleeping Beauty
The International Classical Ballet's performance enchants with its opulent stage sets, exquisite costumes and the impeccable artistry of the ballet dancers, promising the audience an extremely magical experience.
Festhalle Annaberg-Buchholz09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.03.2519:00 clock
Tickets im VVK zw. 35,80 € und 50,30 €.
Comedy & Kabarett
Sauberg Klause
James Jeremy Beckers, Andre Wagler
Sold out

Kabarett mit Matthias Machwerk

Reservierung per Mail unter: post@sau-berg.de

Tel: +4937341493964

17.7 km
Happy or already married? - Matthias Machwerk
Machwerk is in search of happiness. Where do you find it? How does it stay? Why do others always have more of it? He talks about parasites, his own blackheads and other children. He jokes about walker rambos, laxatives and other things that backfire.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
15.02.25 18:00 - 21:00 clock
69,95 € p.P. inkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Kultur
Bürgergarten Stollberg
Sebastian Seemann
Sold out
19.1 km
Uwe Steimle - Wunder-Punkt
The versatile actor and "Wizard of the East" manages like no other to put his finger on the numerous West-East wounds in a sharp-tongued yet charming way. Uwe Steimle presents new endearing and bizarre stories.
Bürgergarten Stollberg09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.02.25 19:30 - 21:30 clock
Eintritt: ab 42,25 €
Sauberg Klause
Wagler Marketing
Sold out

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

17.7 km
Manni perks up the girls
Even the strongest mom gets weak! Guts in the brain & lard in the bones, according to the bodybuilder saying: Don't just talk, lift weights! The juicy satire with heart & snout. The soft rage solo by & with Thomas "Manni" Störel is funny, tangy and musical
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
28.02.25 18:30 - 21:00 clock
69,95 € p.P. , nkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Kultur
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne
Fischer & Jung

12.1 km
Girls' night out - Comedy vs. party night
Three unemployed friends want to set up their own dog biscuit bakery. They need money for this. When one of them tells them that his wife is going to see the Chippendales, who have been sold out for weeks, the three of them come up with a crazy idea.
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
08.03.2519:00 clock
Tickets: 35 € inkl. 1 Glas Sekt und anschließender Party
Gasthof zum Löwen
Only with registration

Der Kartenvorverkauf findet am 11.01.2025 von 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr im Gasthof Zum Löwen, Auerbacher Str. 7, statt.

16.5 km
Comedy: Ene haariche Sach!
The Erzgebirgische Theaterverein Hormersdorf e.V. presents the comedy "Ene haariche Sach!". Styling, gossip and love meet in the Salon Prachtwickler - a journey back in time to the 80s, packed into 2 hours of the finest dialect.
Gasthof zum Löwen09395 Zwönitz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
08.03.2514:00 clock19:00 clock
Eintritt: 12 €
Sauberg Klause
Constance Brosell
Only with registration

Reservierung unter: E-Mail post@sau-berg.de

Tel. +4937341493964

17.7 km
Monogamy and other diseases of civilization
Musical consultation hour with the Berlin musician & comedian Klaus Frenzel & Co. Dear women: Take a stable lateral position, shut up! You can learn something! Get off the Pegasus & take your imagination to the pasture of shallow-minded perception of reality.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
08.03.25 17:30 - 21:00 clock
69,95 € p.P., nkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Kultur
Gaststätte Lindenklause
Kabarett Sachsenmeyer
Only with registration

Tickets: Gaststätte Lindenklause +49172 9893954 oder +4937296 549926

17.3 km
Sachsenmeyer - Who laughs last
Ede Sachsenmeyer's program "Wer zuletzt lacht..." ("Who laughs last...") will leave your diaphragm shaking. He combines humor and Saxon repartee to create an entertaining evening of cabaret, with nonsense, tips and provocations.
Gaststätte Lindenklause09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.03.25 19:30 - 21:30 clock
Eintritt: 16 €
Kulturhaus Aue
Guido Werner www.guido-werner.com
Sold out
8.2 km
Uwe Steimle & Helmut Schleich - Mir san mir... und mir ooch!
A man from Munich and a man from Dresden on stage together - that can be a lot of fun. This Bavarian-Saxon evening of friendship pushes linguistic boundaries, cuts through the thicket of clichés and discovers surprising similarities and remarkable differences.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
26.03.2519:30 clock
1. PK: Normalpreis: 46,30 € 2. PK: Normalpreis: 43,50 € 3. PK: Normalpreis: 40 €
Sauberg Klause
Constance Brosell
Only with registration

Reservierung per Mail unter: post@sau-berg.de

Zu allen Veranstaltungen mit Eintrittsgeldern müssen die Karten spätestens 4 Wochen vor dem Veranstaltungstermin abgeholt und bezahlt werden. Karten können im Krankheitsfall bis 48h vor der Veranstaltung gegen einen Restaurantgutschein umgetauscht werden. Karten, die 48h vor der Veranstaltung bis zum Veranstaltungstermin storniert werden, verfallen ersatzlos.  

17.7 km
Ostalgic theater evening
Indulge in memories! Tele Lotto, the unique show in the German television landscape! After 25 years comes the 1359th episode. ! Of course Herricht & Preil, Max Baumann & Manfred Krug will not be missing. A cult Ostalgie play based on the well-known television format.
Sauberg Klause09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
27.03.25 18:30 - 21:00 clock
69,95 € inkl. Aperitif, 3-Gänge-Menü und Kultur
Musenhof Schloss Wildenfels
19.0 km
Kabarett Nörgelsäcke
Gößnitz, die wildeste Kleinstadt Thüringens, begeistert mit dem Kabarett Nörgelsäcke, das seit 1997 mit bissiger Satire über Zeitgeschehen und Mitmenschen „nörgelt“. Seit Jahren sorgt das Ensemble für unvergessliche Abende voller Humor und Lebensfreude.
Musenhof Schloss Wildenfels08134 Wildenfels
04.04.2519:00 clock
Eintritt: VVK 15 €
Poetry Slam
Alte Brauerei
17.0 km
Comedy forge
The Comedy-Schmiede invites you to a special kind of poetry slam - homemade laughter guaranteed! Self-written humorous texts, from absurd to cheerful, meet witty language and fun. At the end, there's a coveted winner's trophy for the most laughs
Alte Brauerei09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.03.2520:00 clock
Vincent Stefan

Musical in zwei Akten, Musik und Songtexte von Richard M. Sherman und Robert B. Sherman

16.0 km
Ian Fleming verfasste die inspirierte Geschichte für seinen Sohn. Der hierauf basierende legendäre Film von 1968 wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet, so u. a. für Beste Musik. Das auf dem Film beruhende Musical von 2002 eroberte sehr schnell die Bühnen der Welt.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
08.02.2519:30 clock
Tickets ab 17,50 €
Dirk Rückschloß / Pixore Photography

Musiktheaterprojekt Rabenschnabl

16.0 km
Hope for the children
In the evening, the moon scatters its dream trickle wishes over the earth and turns the children into dream fliers - but now the children's dreams have disappeared. Now it's time to find and free them with the help of the children in the audience.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.03.2515:00 clock
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne
12.1 km
The Jungle Book - the musical
With the help of his friend Baloo and the wise panther Bagheera, Mowgli learns the laws of the jungle because he wants to be accepted into the wolf pack. Turbulent jungle action with fast-paced choreography, witty dialog, soul and rock n' roll.
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.04.2511:00 clock
Tickets: 23 € - 26 €

Musiktheaterprojekt Rabenschnabl

18.5 km
Hope for the children
In the evening, the moon scatters its dream trickle wishes over the earth and turns the children into dream fliers - but now the children's dreams have disappeared. Now it's time to find and free them with the help of the children in the audience.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
27.06.25 16:00 - 17:00 clock
Eintritt: ab 5 €
Oper & Operette
Dirk Rückschloss Pixore Photography

Operette von Johann Strauß

16.0 km
Die Fledermaus
Vor einiger Zeit wachte Dr. Falke ballnachtalkoholisiert und als Fledermaus kostümiert auf einer Parkbank auf. Durch Freund Eisenstein zum Gespött der Gassenjungen geworden, nimmt er Rache an ihm beim Fest des russischen Prinzen Orlofsky.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.02.2519:30 clock
Tickets ab 14,50 €
Winterstein Theater

Puppiges Operettical nach einem Lustspiel von Max Kempner-Hochstädt

16.0 km
The cousin from whatsisname
The rich heiress Julia de Weert has finally come of age and is eagerly waiting for her cousin Roderich, who moved away seven years ago and swore eternal fidelity to Julia. In fact, a strange young man soon appears at the door.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
09.03.2519:30 clock
Kulturhaus Aue
Dirk Rückschloss Pixore Photography

Operette von Johann Strauß

8.2 km
The bat
Some time ago, Dr. Falke woke up on a park bench drunk from a ball and dressed as a bat. His friend Eisenstein has made him the laughing stock of the street urchins and he takes revenge on him at the Russian Prince Orlofsky's party.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
10.05.2519:30 clock
ab 14,50 €
Winterstein Theater

Es spielt das Dresdner Figurentheater Jörg Bretschneider für Kinder ab 4 Jahren

16.0 km
spielraum: Der gestiefelte Kater
Ein Kater, der einen Plan hat, um sein Herrchen, das nichts auf die Reihe bekam, auf Trapp zu bringen. Mit roten Stiefeln, Jagdtasche, farblich passend zu den Stiefeln und einem Dutzend Rebhühner wird er zum gestiefelten Kater & sein Herrchen ein Graf.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.02.2510:30 clock
Tickets ab 9 €
GSM Gastro-Service-Mittelsachsen GmbH
18.5 km
Mrs. Doll Doctor Pill: Next please
Fun with puppet shows, funny songs, quizzes and surprises - to join in, laugh and learn through play with Mrs. Puppet Doctor Pill. The consultation is attended by the high-spirited frog Quacki, who likes handkerchiefs better than grilled fly legs.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
16.02.25 10:00 - 11:00 clock
Eintritt: 15 €
Spielart Zwote

Märchentheater von SpielArt aus Zwota

18.5 km
Hans in Luck
A theater and puppet play with live music by SpielArt Zwota. The fairytale adaptation shows Hans' bartering: from gold to horse, cow, pig, goose and grindstone. In the end, everything is gone, but without a burden, freedom remains. A play about the search for happiness.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
17.02.25 10:00 - 11:00 clock
Eintritt: 8 €
Winterstein Theater

Puppenbühne Jens Hellwig

16.0 km
spielraum: Kasper and the gold treasure in the mill
This year there was little grain, and the miller could not pay the rent to the landgrave. But there is a treasure of gold on the mill roof, known only to the magician Karfunkel and the devil Fitzliputzli. Can Kasper save the miller?
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.03.2510:30 clock
Tickets ab 9 €
Vincent Stefan

Ein Stück von Marisa Wendt nach dem Roman on Gavin Extence

16.0 km
"Anyone who reads books is gay!" At least that's what Alex's classmates at school found out. If you're not gay, you ride a moped. Alex reads Kurt Vonnegut and when his literary mentor Mr. Peterson wants to die, he even learns to drive.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
07.02.2519:30 clock
Tickets ab 10,50 €
Vincent Stefan

Komödie von Steven Moffat

16.0 km
A murderer's girlfriend
Debbie and Peter didn't have the heart not to invite their vacation acquaintance Elsa Krakowski to their home. The only problem is that Elsa knows much more about them and their family than they know about Elsa.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
09.02.2519:30 clock
Tickets ab 10,50 €
H.O. Theater

Schauspiel von Lutz Hübner und Sarah Nemitz

18.5 km
The hook
The search for a suitable apartment can lead to despair. Who is looking, when and with what (mis)success? How does the battle for the rental contract between the applicants develop? And why is the apartment on offer so cheap? Where is the catch?
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.02.25 16:00 - 17:30 clock
Eintritt: 15 €
Theater Burattino

18.5 km
The Town Musicians of Bremen
The Bremen Town Musicians are probably the most famous quartet in the North. The production for senior citizens focuses on community, solidarity, fear, courage and self-determination.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
19.02.25 10:00 - 11:00 clock
Eintritt: 8 €
Jörn Rockstroh

Der berühmte Klassiker von Shakespeare neu gedacht

18.5 km
Romeo and Juliet
In this new interpretation of Shakespeare's timeless classic, gender roles are rethought. With a feminist perspective, the production will break down old role models and provide a modern and fresh approach to the story.
Theater BURATTINO09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.02.25 16:00 - 17:30 clock
Eintritt: 12 €

Zutritt über den Bühneneingang

16.0 km
Fancy some improvisation?
On three dates during the season, BACKSTAGE invites all those interested in creative theater to improvise together on the studio stage. Everyone can play along properly or conveniently assign tasks to the players from their seats.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.03.2518:00 clock
Neues Konsulat Lichtfarbik e.V.
15.9 km
Last round: Maria, he doesn't like it
A vacation in Italy is worthwhile, especially in the run-up to Christmas - especially when a real Italian is the tour guide. The New Consulate in Annaberg-Buchholz is also getting creative: ensemble members present moving texts and music.
Neues Konsulat Lichtfarbik e.V.09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
06.03.2520:00 clock

Heute gibt es eine Kost-Probe zum Stück "Der Tartuffe oder der Profiteur"

16.0 km
Tasting sample
The Winterstein Theater offers a public rehearsal to anyone who would like to take a look behind the scenes of a production before the premiere. You can see the ensemble in action for half an hour or talk to the team afterwards.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
08.03.2511:00 clock
Eintritt frei
Ina Tennler
16.0 km
Rat children
What will happen to the world? The rat children are deeply disappointed by their reality, even more so - disgusted. They swallow their frustration until someone comes along and shows them a way out. But it is expensive. And uncompromising.
Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
11.03.2510:00 clock
Tetzel Passage
Vincent Stefan

Monolog von Duncan Macmillan mit Johnny Donahoe

16.1 km
All the beauty
Duncan Macmillan's monologue is a life-affirming play that addresses the serious topic of depression in a gentle and touching way and makes it tangible with interactive staging ideas.
Tetzel Passage09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
14.03.2520:00 clock
Kulturhaus Aue
Reset Production
8.2 km
Rock The Circus - Music for the eyes
Rock the Circus is a show that combines legendary rock songs with versatile show elements, dance performances and top-class artistry. Music for the eyes and artistry for the ears!
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
15.02.2519:30 clock
ab 43,90 €
Bürgergarten Stollberg
Sandy Schmidt

Die Tickets sind vor Ort und 30 Minuten vor Beginn der Vorstellung an der Tageskasse erhältlich

19.1 km
Pangea Dino-Live-Show
Supported by captivating lighting effects & an atmospheric soundscape, Pangea offers an immersive show that draws the audience into the action. These 80 minutes guarantee that young & old will be amazed & feel transported to another world.
Bürgergarten Stollberg09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
23.02.25 15:00 - 16:30 clock
Eintritt: Erwachsener 15 € / Kind 12 €
Kulturhaus Aue
Robert Jentzsch
8.2 km
The Firebirds Burlesque Show
The Firebirds Burlesque Show goes on tour again in 2025! Now in its 10th season with a new international cast, selected artists from various countries once again combine sensuality with sophistication and artistic excellence.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
06.03.2519:30 clock
ab 36 €
Kulturhaus Aue
Fabrizio Amilcare
8.2 km
One Night of MJ - The Tribute to the King of Pop
The tribute show celebrates one of pop music's greatest geniuses: Michael Jackson. Wendel Gama as Michael, a rock band accompanied by horns and strings, a dance crew and special effects bring the greatest hits back to the stage.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
22.03.2519:30 clock
ab 45,90 €
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne
Brauclub 2024
12.1 km
The Magicians 4.0
The new show ranges from shocking performances by the bad boy of the German magic scene Christopher Köhler to classic magic by world champion André Desery and entertaining stand-up comedy by Jens Wienand - provocative, spontaneous and entertaining.
Kulturzentrum Goldne Sonne08289 Schneeberg
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
05.04.2519:30 clock
Tickets: 30 €
Bürgergarten Stollberg
19.1 km
The revue of the travesty
It will be cheeky, colorful and elegant again: The glamorous travesty stars present their breathtaking stage show. Visitors can expect a colorful mix of conférence, comedy, song and dance.
Bürgergarten Stollberg09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
27.09.25 20:00 - 22:00 clock
Eintritt ab 43 €
Varieté & Zirkus
Kulturhaus Aue
Keen on Rhythm
8.2 km
Dance, magic & light!
The fantastic revue by the children's and show ballet "Keen on Rhythm" enchants the audience with countless kaleidoscopic images. Top-class antipodean artistry by Antje Pode and magical moments with Willi Auerbach & Co complete this variety evening.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
08.02.2519:00 clock
Eintrittspreise: Erwachsene: ab 25,00 € € Kinder: ab 20,00 €
Kulturhaus Aue
Linus Faber
8.2 km
A magical elf mission - magic show
When Santa gets stuck in a snowstorm, the new chief elf has to manage the whole Christmas celebration on his own. Only the children can help and find the lost golden book, for example. Family magic show by and with Linus Faber for children aged 4 and over.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
More information on friendly profiles and organizers
21.12.2516:00 clock
15 € Erwachsene 13 € Kinder