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Sport & exercise
Lila Fitness - Studio Schwarzenberg
1.3 km
Modern, spacious and open 24 hours a day, every day of the week
Fitness strengthens the body, health, self-esteem and joie de vivre. At Lila Fitness Studio, members can work out 24/7 on a large selection of modern training equipment in a spacious area. The perfect equipment for strength training is available here.
Lila Fitness - Studio Schwarzenberg08340 Schwarzenberg/Erzgeb.
todayall day
Skilift Bermsgrün bei Schwarzenberg

Je nach Wetterlage und Nachfrage können die Öffnungszeiten variieren. Während der Schulferien gelten bei guter Schneelage ggf. erweiterte Öffnungszeiten. Informationen und Kontaktdaten gibt es hier

2.2 km
Skilift Bermsgrün
Bermsgrün ist ein Ortsteil von Schwarzenberg am Hang des Schwarzwassertals. Der familien- und anfängerfreundliche Skilift befindet sich am Ortsrand. Am Freitag und Samstag sind auch Nachtskifahrten möglich. Ein kleiner Imbiss vor Ort ist ebenso vorhanden.
Skilift Bermsgrün bei Schwarzenberg08340 Schwarzenberg/Erzgeb.
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today 17:00 - 20:00 clock
Preise: Tageskarte Erw. 10 € / Kinder bis 16 J. 9 € / Nachtski Erw. 10 € / Kinder 7 €
Rodelhang am Abenteuerspielplatz Breitenbrunn
7.1 km
Rodelhang am Abenteuerspielplatz
Lust auf eine kleine Rodelparty? Dann ist dieser 25 Meter lange Hang direkt am Abenteuerspielplatz in der Nähe der Jagdschlossruine genau das Richtige!
Rodelhang am Abenteuerspielplatz Breitenbrunn08359 Breitenbrunn/Erzgeb.
todayall day
Zoo der Minis
Zoo der Minis e.V.
7.2 km
Zoo of the Minis: Animal dwarves really big
On the outskirts of Aue-Bad Schlema, you can relax in a green oasis with a playground and petting enclosure and visit more than 400 animal minis, including all the smallest domestic animal breeds and many mini-forms from the wild.
Zoo der Minis 08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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todayopen until 16:00 o'clock
ab 2 €
Vestenburger oder Irrgänger Stolln
7.6 km
Interesting insights into the moving history of Auer Begbaugeschichte
The Vestenburger or Irrgänger Stolln is a monument to the eventful time of its development from 1661 onwards. Today it provides an interesting insight into the mining history of Auer, as well as into the geology of the Heidelsberg and its tin deposits.
Vestenburger oder Irrgänger Stolln08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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todayopen until 16:00 o'clock
Bergbaulehrpfad am Heidelsberg
7.7 km
On the trail of mining
The educational trail, which starts at the town museum and winds its way through the former mining landscape to the St. Andreas White Earth Mine, provides lots of interesting facts and information on the basis of display and information boards and old mining objects.
Bergbaulehrpfad am Heidelsberg08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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todayopen until 23:59 o'clock
IceHouse Aue
7.7 km
Ice skating in Aue
Where Wismut mining equipment was once produced, there is now an artificial ice rink measuring approx. 22m x 56m. There is plenty of space for ice-cold fun, from elegant laps to endurance sports in this unique atmosphere.
IceHouse Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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today 16:00 - 19:00 clock
Eintritt: Erw. 5 € / Kinder 4 € / Familienkarte: 15 € / Kinder bis 4 Jahre freier Eintritt
Stadtinformation Aue
8.2 km
Whether you need city maps, information on hiking routes or accommodation - you can get help here
Here you can obtain publications from the large district town of Aue-Bad Schlema, town maps, event calendars, information on hiking routes, accommodation or festivals & other regional events. The town information staff will be happy to help.
Stadtinformation Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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todaycloses 12:00 clock 13:00 - 17:00 clock
Schwimmhalle Aue
Große Kreisstadt Aue-Bad Schlema

freitags ist von 21 - 22 Uhr FKK-Schwimmen

8.4 km
Being able to swim in peace
Especially in times of fun and adventure pools, swimmers are looking for a place in the water where they can swim their lengths in peace. The simple functional building in the Zelle district of Auer therefore attracts precisely these visitors and those who appreciate moderate prices.
Schwimmhalle Aue 08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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today 14:00 - 21:00 clock
5 € (Erwachsene - 2h), 2,50 € (erm. 2h)
Sportpark Rabenberg

Zubehör kann ausgeliehen werden: hier

8.4 km
Winter fun for everyone: tobogganing and snowshoeing
All you need for tobogganing is a good mood, a sledge or Zipfelbob and you're ready to go. Another option is snowshoeing, alone or in a group. If you don't have the right equipment, you can hire it directly from the sports park.
Rabenberg08353 Breitenbrunn/Erzgeb.
todayopen until 22:00 o'clock
Bahnhofsvorplatz Aue-Bad Schlema

Treffpunk in Aue, Bahnhofsvorplatz.

Einkehr im Imbiss "Big Wolle".

Durchführung ab vier Teilnehmer.

Kosten: Nichtvereinsmitglieder zahlen zzgl. 3,00 €

Wanderleiter: Klaus-Dieter Müller, Tel. +493771 4959746

8.6 km
Hike with a length of 12.4 km and a moderately difficult profile. The route includes 320 m ascent and 180 m descent and offers an ideal challenge for active hikers in a varied natural setting.
Bahnhofsvorplatz Aue-Bad Schlema08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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todayopen until 14:35 o'clock
3 €
Kegel- und Bowlingbahn am Greifensteinstadion

Die genauen Uhrzeiten bitte über die Webseite des Vereins entnehmen

17.1 km
City bowling championship
The bowling alley celebrates 25 years and invites you to the open city championship. Active bowlers bowl 100 throws combined, recreational and non-active bowlers 60 throws full. The game is played in a chain start on 4 lanes. All age groups are welcome.
Kegel- und Bowlingbahn am Greifensteinstadion09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
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todayopen until 15:00 o'clock
Startgeld zwischen 1,50 € und 4,50 €
Bürgerbegegnungszentrum das dürer
Only with registration
19.6 km
The dance course with Yudeima Azocar from Venezuela combines movement and fun. A varied dance experience awaits participants, ideal for anyone who enjoys rhythmic sounds and dance.
Bürgerbegegnungszentrum das dürer09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
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07.02.25 18:00 - 19:00 clock
3 €
Kulturhaus Aue

Rückfragen oder Auskünfte unter +493771723948 bei Organisationsleiter Christoph Lein.

8.2 km
Traditional hike 41st Auer Schneekristall
The hike offers routes of 10, 15 and 25 km, all marked and provided with QR codes. Start time from 08:00 to 10:00. Tea and refreshments at the checkpoint until 13:30. Participation counts towards the "Hiking keeps you fit" cup competition.
Kulturhaus Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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15.02.25 08:00 - 16:00 clock
Altmarkt Aue

Wanderleiter: Christoph Lein , Tel. +493771 723948 oder +4917626166503.

7.9 km
Hike: Around the Hirnschädel and over the Pfefferberg
Hike "Around the Hirnschädel and over the Pfefferberg": approx. 14 km, medium profile with 300 m ascent and descent each. Meeting point in Aue, Altmarkt. Rucksack provisions required.
Altmarkt Aue08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
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22.02.25 09:00 - 14:00 clock
Parkplatz Heinrich-Heine-Straße Zwönitz
Only with registration

Wanderleiterin: Kerstin Meinhold +49174 6833848

10.3 km
Sport hiking -In search of spring
The tour starts at the Heinrich-Heine-Straße parking lot and leads via the Rutenweg to the Galgenspitze, on to the "Staabank" and down to the Leuchtmooshöhle cave. Via the Schatzenstein and Oswaldbachteiche, the route leads back to the Ziegenberg and the starting point.
Parkplatz Heinrich-Heine-Straße Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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22.03.25 09:00 - 14:00 clock
Marktplatz Zwönitz

Wanderleiter: Joachim Kunz, Streckenlänge ca. 6 km

Parken am Wanderparkplatz hinter Austelvilla, Rathausstraße 14 oder auf dem Zwönitzer Marktplatz

10.5 km
Hike to Easter singing
Guided hike from Zwönitz, Markt via Austelpark, Heiligenhauser Ecke and Hundesportplatz (with catering) to Burgstädtel and the Zwönitzquelle. Musical accompaniment and refreshments await you there. Return individually.
Marktplatz Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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21.04.2512:00 clock
Zinngrube Ehrenfriedersdorf Besucherbergwerk
Archiv Zinngrube Ehrenfriedersdorf

Familien, Gruppen, Einzelpersonen

17.6 km
Mother Earth Day
Guided hike with garbage collection at the Röhrgraben for "Mother Earth Day" from 10 am to 3 pm. Start and finish is the Greifensteinstolln. Set an example for nature and environmental protection together.
Zinngrube Ehrenfriedersdorf Besucherbergwerk09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
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22.04.25 10:00 - 15:00 clock
Eintritt frei
Bahnhof Dorfchemnitz
Only with registration

Geplant sind für diese Strecke ca. 6,5 h

Wanderleiterin: Kerstin Meinhold +49174/6833848

12.8 km
Sport hiking
The hike starts at Dorfchemnitz station, leads via the refuge, to the Tabakstanne, along the Eisenweg, past Thalheim, Meinersdorf, Försterblick and Huthübel Hormersdorf and ends in Günsdorf at the station.
Bahnhof Dorfchemnitz08297 Zwönitz
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26.04.2509:00 clock
Heimatmuseum und Technisches Denkmal Knochenstampfe

Wanderleiterin: Gabi Schnabel

14.8 km
Guided hike - herb hike
Herb hike from the local history museum "Knochenstampfe" in Dorfchemnitz with a visit to the herb garden and tasting. Accompanied by hiking guide Gabi Schnabel. An experience for nature lovers.
Heimatmuseum und Technisches Denkmal Knochenstampfe08297 Zwönitz
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26.04.2509:00 clock
Sport & exercise