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Heimatstube des Heimatvereins Leukersdorf
8.8 km
Games evening
A sociable games evening full of fun, strategy and good entertainment awaits all guests.
Heimatstube des Heimatvereins Leukersdorf09387 Jahnsdorf/Erzgeb.
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21.03.2518:00 clock
Gartenheim am Greifenstein (Triftweg 20)
9.7 km
Contra, deer and buck - afternoon of games
A cozy afternoon full of fun and games! Whether it's Skat, Rummy or Rausschmeißer - the focus here is on socializing. Simply play along, enjoy and laugh together.
Gartenheim am Greifenstein (Triftweg 20)09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
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27.03.2516:00 clock
Open day
Buntspeicher Zwönitz
7.4 km
Buntspeicher - Open day
The Buntspeicher opens its doors after a long construction phase. Exciting insights with guided tours, a lecture on the history of the building and a digital art exhibition on the Purple Path. Plus delicious food and refreshing drinks - a day to discover and experience.
Buntspeicher Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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12.04.25 13:00 - 20:00 clock
Der Flugplatz Jahnsdorf
Der Flugplatz
5.8 km
Taster day "Learning to fly"
Information on pilot training, advice directly at the airfield and the opportunity to take off yourself on a trial flight - the first step towards the dream of a pilot's license.
Der Flugplatz Jahnsdorf09387 Jahnsdorf/Erzgeb.
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15.06.25 10:00 - 18:00 clock
Eintritt frei, keine Anmeldung nötig.
Der Flugplatz Jahnsdorf
Only with registration

Anmeldung: hier

5.8 km
Aviators regulars' table
For all pilots and those interested in flying, there is the popular regulars' aviation get-together at Jahnsdorf airfield.
Der Flugplatz Jahnsdorf09387 Jahnsdorf/Erzgeb.
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14.03.2518:30 clock
Wasserschloss Klaffenbach
Falk Bittner

Heute: Ein Spaziergang durch die Geschichte - das Wasserschloss und seine Geheimnisse

8.5 km
Castle whispers
Birgit Lehmann slips into historical robes once a month and, as Countess Frederike von Grünberg, presents entertaining and interesting facts from times gone by together with changing guests.
Wasserschloss Klaffenbach09123 Chemnitz
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23.03.2515:00 clock
Eintritt: 25,90 €
3.5 km
Coffee party in the "Stampfencafé"
The "Stampfencafé" once again invites you to a "Kaffeekränzel" with coffee, cake, drinks and small snacks.
Stampfencafé08297 Zwönitz
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25.03.25 14:00 - 17:00 clock
Alter Schlachthof Stollberg
5.3 km
Bar evening at the OX + musician's get-together
Alter Schlachthof Stollberg09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
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04.04.25 20:00 - 23:00 clock
Alter Schlachthof Stollberg
5.3 km
Simsontreffen Stollberg 2025
The Simsontreffen will be held for the second time at the Alter Schlachthof in Stollberg - a meeting place for fans, enthusiasts and riders of the cult mopeds from Suhl.
Alter Schlachthof Stollberg09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
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04.05.25 11:00 - 17:00 clock
NETZ-Werk Neukirchen/Erzgebirge

Anmeldeschluss ist der 28. Februar 2025, Informationen gibt es unter Tel. 0371 2600410 oder info@heimatverein-neukirchen.de

9.3 km
Talents, talents, talents
The Neukirchen Heritage & History Society has once again organized a talent show where all participants can make their appearance in 2025. Whether artistic or sporting, alone, with friends or as a family - everyone is welcome to present themselves.
NETZ-Werk Neukirchen/Erzgebirge09221 Neukirchen/Erzgeb.
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06.04.2514:00 clock
Skihütte  an der Hühnerfarm
9.8 km
Witches' bonfire at the chicken farm
A witches' bonfire at the chicken farm sounds like fun - but don't worry, nothing will happen to the chickens. This is simply about tradition on Walpurgis Night. That means nothing more or less than partying and having fun. Live music comes from the duo AAFLUG.
Skihütte an der Hühnerfarm09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
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30.03.2519:00 clock
Technisches Museum Papiermühle Niederzwönitz
firefly (KI-generiert)
7.0 km
Easter at the Mühlenhof
Easter mill yard - festively decorated with Easter fountain and giant Easter egg. Fun for the whole family with an egg race on the small Easter course.
Technisches Museum Papiermühle Niederzwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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02.04.25 10:00 - 16:00 clock
Brunnen an der Mundartuhr - Zwönitz
3.1 km
Meeting at the Easter fountain in Hormersdorf
The fountain shines in festive Easter decorations! Children from the "De Huthiebelknepp" daycare center sing about spring and delight the Easter bunny, who thanks them with sweets and the hard-working helpers with flowers.
Brunnen an der Mundartuhr - Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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03.04.2509:30 clock
NETZ-Werk Neukirchen/Erzgebirge

Anmeldeschluss ist der 28. Februar 2025, Informationen gibt es unter Tel. 0371 2600410 oder info@heimatverein-neukirchen.de

9.3 km
Talents, talents, talents
The Neukirchen Heritage & History Society has once again organized a talent show where all participants can make their appearance in 2025. Whether artistic or sporting, alone, with friends or as a family - everyone is welcome to present themselves.
NETZ-Werk Neukirchen/Erzgebirge09221 Neukirchen/Erzgeb.
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06.04.2514:00 clock
Marktplatz Zwönitz
firefly (KI-generiert)
7.8 km
Placing the Easter crown on the market fountain
The market fountain shines in its Easter decorations with a tied crown and painted eggs. Kindergarten children sing a serenade to the Easter bunny. Other decorated Easter fountains can be found in Zwönitz and its districts.
Marktplatz Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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11.04.25 09:30 - 10:00 clock
Wanderparkplatz Albin-Langer-Weg
firefly (KI-generiert)
8.5 km
The Easter bunny comes to Ehrenfriedersdorf
The Easter bunny visits Ehrenfriedersdorf! Colorful eggs, spring and fun await young and old. Hidden surprises are waiting to be discovered. So open your eyes and get ready for a happy Easter.
Wanderparkplatz Albin-Langer-Weg09427 Ehrenfriedersdorf
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19.04.25 10:00 - 15:00 clock
Wasserschloss Klaffenbach
Nathalie Günther
8.5 km
Das aktive Osterprogramm für Jung und Alt - lädt Familien am Ostersonntag und -montag ins Wasserschloß Klaffenbach ein. Es warten viele tolle und sportliche Outdoor-Attraktionen.
Wasserschloss Klaffenbach09123 Chemnitz
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20.04.25 11:00 - 16:00 clock
Eintritt frei
Hundesportplatz Zwönitz
8.4 km
Easter singing at the dog sports field
Spring is welcomed with music and song on Geyersche Straße. The Erzgebirgische Blasmusikanten brass band and the "Tasten-Män" will be playing. Guided hike to the Zwönitz spring included.
Hundesportplatz Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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21.04.25 14:00 - 15:00 clock
Marktplatz Zwönitz
7.8 km
Wolpertobnd in Zwönitz
The meeting point is the market square, torches are available for the procession from 7.00 pm. At 7.30 pm the musical procession starts to the Ziegenberg. There, a view, music, dancing by firelight and refreshments await.
Marktplatz Zwönitz08297 Zwönitz
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30.04.25 19:30 - 23:00 clock
Kultur- und Freizeitzentrum Lugau
Firefly (KI-generiert)
8.4 km
Halloween-Party für die ganze Familie
Die Party findet auf dem Außengelände mit Lagerfeuer und vielen Halloween-Spielen mit Marcel Püschmann statt. Um 18.30 Uhr gibt es einen Lampionumzug mit den Oelsnitzer Blasmusikanten zur Villa Facius.
Kultur- und Freizeitzentrum Lugau09385 Lugau/Erzgeb.
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24.10.25 16:00 - 18:30 clock
Kosten: 5 Euro pro Kind (inkl. Verpflegung)
Bürgergarten Stollberg
5.3 km
Advent & Christmas caroling
Bürgergarten Stollberg09366 Stollberg/Erzgeb.
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23.12.25 19:00 - 21:00 clock
Eintritt frei